Thursday, August 13, 2009

**Think On It!**

"It is always too late, or too little, or both. And that is the road to disaster."

- David Lloyd George, English statesman

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Whistle While You Work!

I've never been a very good whistler. Mind you, I've tried. I often consider all the lost chances I've had to meet an attractive woman because I couldn't whistle well- say THAT 50 times fast! :~)

I tend to do my best whistling with a mouth full of crackers. It's much more fun to try and whistle that way. Especially if someone you don't like is sitting across from you. I'm not a fan of whistlers in general unless they are VERY talented and proficient in the art form, or whistling a tune I dig.

That said, I'm VERY grateful for my bosses annoying whistling habit, and I'll tell ya why. Although he doesn't whistle well, nor have much flair and style, he more than makes up for it in sheer volume. Do you know where this is headed?

Since I occasionally dilly-dally and willy-nilly (aren't those fun to say?) at work, taking several coffee breaks, in your Face Booking, blogging, newspaper reading, etc., I'm forever indebted for his unintentional, I'm-coming-down-the-hallway-to-your-office-so-you'd-better-be-working air raid siren that I can hear a mile away. His early warning signal USUALLY gives me enough time to hide any contraband well before his arrival, all the while clicking off of pages I shouldn't be lookin' at!

So thank you boss, for your lack of talent and helpful noise making, which allows my day to be more counter-productive and relaxed. I sure hope he doesn't change to humming. I think that would be very difficult to hear.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Did You Know That...

recycling a three foot stack of newspapers can save one whole tree?!

I'm gonna start savin' my toothpicks.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Could It Possibly Be True?!

A 32-year-old man in St. Paul, Minn., had a distinctive cloverleaf tattoo on his left arm, a Celtic cross tattoo on his right bicep, and was wearing a cap with a clover leaf emblem. You'd think he'd be pretty lucky, right?

Well, no. Ya see, he ripped off a convenience store, and was quickly apprehended because of all the unlucky clovers several witnesses noticed!

Give that guy a bowl of cereal!

** Think On It! ** Patriotic Edition

"The trouble with this country is that there are too many people going about saying, "The trouble with this country is..."

- Sinclair Lewis, American author