Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tinkle, Tinkle, Little Star.....

According to Space.com, Thousands of stargazers were thrilled this past Wednesday by a spectacular light show in the night sky. Earthlings may be surprised at what caused it, spacemen not so much.

The stargazers can thank NASA. The beautiful starry-starry night was created when astronauts aboard the space shuttle Discovery emptied the urine tanks. Well ain't that a pisser! :^)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Today OFFICIALLY marks FLAST's one year anniversary! It's been fun- sometimes. I've un-met some very interesting strangers here, and made a few kinda-sorta-friends. I truly can't believe it's been a year!!! Good year? Bad year? Can't we just say a year? There I said it. 

I've been errant here lately, as I try, through MANY interventions, to overcome my addiction to "Crack-Book". I appreciate all your support.It's just kinda hard to shake the instant gratification I receive over there as opposed to the dust bowl, tumbleweed ridden domain, that has overtaken my humble blog. ;^)

THANKS to all of you who've come along for the ride, despite a drunk behind the wheel. I'm glad we never got pulled over, as it may have been a long walk home for some of you. I appreciate each and EVERY comment left by anyone who took the time to leave one or three. I'm even thankful for any possible cyber lurkers/stalkers that deftly stuck to the shadows.

Hooray for no one in particular. To (possibly) be continued.....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy 40th Birthnet!

The technology that transformed the world as we know it, and that is allowing me to do what I'm doing here at Blogger, turned the BIG 4-0 yesterday!

On September 2, 1969, UCLA scientists working in their lab, got two computers to "talk" to each other, and well, you pretty much know the rest.

DAMN, my blog just crashed! :^)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Talk about the ol' ball & chain......

A man robbed a bank in Ephrata, PA., hoping to be arrested and jailed to escape his overbearing wife. At his hearing he explained to the judge that he'd been afraid to leave her because she had threatened to kill herself if he did. The couple eventually did divorce, but the man was sentenced to spend three to six years behind bars.

Too bad. He apparently didn't have a very good attorney who could both get him out of jail, AND take care of the divorce at the same time. :-(

The Dog Days of Summer

Sadly, the world's oldest dog has died. Chanel, a Long Island wire-haired dachshund, was 21-years-old. That would be 147 in dog years. Guinness Book of World Records officials celebrated her last birthday in style, with family and friends in May, at a Manhattan dog hotel and spa.

RIP Chanel! Although your bark has been silenced , and your bite has bitten the dust, your tiny spirit lives on as you ascend to that giant Alpo can in the sky.