Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Whistle While You Work!

I've never been a very good whistler. Mind you, I've tried. I often consider all the lost chances I've had to meet an attractive woman because I couldn't whistle well- say THAT 50 times fast! :~)

I tend to do my best whistling with a mouth full of crackers. It's much more fun to try and whistle that way. Especially if someone you don't like is sitting across from you. I'm not a fan of whistlers in general unless they are VERY talented and proficient in the art form, or whistling a tune I dig.

That said, I'm VERY grateful for my bosses annoying whistling habit, and I'll tell ya why. Although he doesn't whistle well, nor have much flair and style, he more than makes up for it in sheer volume. Do you know where this is headed?

Since I occasionally dilly-dally and willy-nilly (aren't those fun to say?) at work, taking several coffee breaks, in your Face Booking, blogging, newspaper reading, etc., I'm forever indebted for his unintentional, I'm-coming-down-the-hallway-to-your-office-so-you'd-better-be-working air raid siren that I can hear a mile away. His early warning signal USUALLY gives me enough time to hide any contraband well before his arrival, all the while clicking off of pages I shouldn't be lookin' at!

So thank you boss, for your lack of talent and helpful noise making, which allows my day to be more counter-productive and relaxed. I sure hope he doesn't change to humming. I think that would be very difficult to hear.


Thomas Phillip said...

"I'm forever indebted for his unintentional, I'm-coming-down-the-hallway-to-your-office-so-you'd-better-be-working air raid siren that I can hear a mile away."

made me laugh out loud. :-O

C. Louis Wolfe said...

I'm nothin' if I don't provide da funny, DB!


Stef said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stef said...

By the way, I love whistling! Especially when it annoys the people around me.

Stef said...

Shit... I just typed a long comment and it got deleted because I was an idiot and forgot my new blog name and whatnot. *sigh*

How is that for a long time no see *err* speak *err* comment? Anyway, how are ya? I know I haven't been leaving comments. The reason is because I'm ditchin' my new blog (I don't think I've even posted anything on it) and I'm gonna be a co-author (how shnazzy) on my friends WordPress. ALSO, I've been over yonder at Rotten Tomatoes. If you haven't joined, you NEED TO! It's quite addicting.

What else... oh, yes. I have college in *counts on fingers* 12 days. Man did the summer go by fast... So, I STILL won't be commenting as much as I used to. Sorry, I know hearing that breaks your heart. It breaks mine as well. Wait, I don't have a heart! *Stefany laughs, then dies*

That's all I have to say for now. I'll send you the link to the WordPress as soon as my friends laptop gets fixed.

*By the way, that last deleted comment was me... I needed to correct a typo since little things annoy the hell outta me.*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

You're KILLIN' me Zetz! I left a comment for Willie-boy to have you contact me if he heard from you- I don't know how often you communicate w/him.

I TRIED to check out your blog, but it was invite ONLY (& I know why!) but you NEVER invited me. Guess it doesn't matter now. :-(

THANKS for showing up again, even though yo' gonna tear it all down & join up w/the enemy.

Can you do me a HUGE favor?, PLEASE email me on my sorta-but-not-really-private em address. Need ta ask you something. THANKS!

You'd best stay in touch. You know I have abandonment issues-REALLY!!!

Best of luck at school Stef! I'm VERY proud of you. I expect you to keep the partying to a minimum. Focus-girl-focus!

Stef said...

Oh, I don't really chat to Will. I only met him through the ol' blogger, just like you.

Also, I was trying to fiddle around with my new blog to set it to private, but I wasn't sure if I succeeded at that or not. Guess I did! No worries, I didn't invite anyone since I didn't even post on that thing.

C. Louis Wolfe said...


Email ME please. The address is in my profile.
T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U! :-)

Anonymous said...

Eeks. I am very, very behind on your blogs, and my commenting thereon. I better catch up or I'll be left in the dust!
As to this one, though, I don't really know what to say besides AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! It made my day, it really did. I, personally, have never been able to whistle at all. Oh I've TRIED, but no go. I can say "couldn't whistle well" fifty times fast, though. I may not be able to whistle while I work, but I rock at tongue-twisters :D.