Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Down To The Wire!

I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but I was hoping to enter's 30 sec. commercial spot contest. I haven't even finished shooting my short ("The Conversation") yet. Between work, the band, a visiting friend and her son, and sadly my current sick addiction to Facebook, I haven't had much time.

My partner and me ("Cop Out Productions"), were finally able to get together this past Sunday to shoot. I only had about 3 hours to find an "actor" and location so we could shoot the footage before I had band rehearsal. Much to my surprise we were able to do most of what we set out to do.

We've needed to do a rough cut so I could have my friend from the band lay down a simple score. In a slight panic, I'd been trying to reach my partner on his cell for the past day and 1/2 with no success. My anxiety level increased as time quickly passed, when FINALLY I get a call in my office that my partner was waiting up front for me.

We quickly got the rough cut finished so my friend can add some music. Sadly I didn't realize just how short 30 seconds can be until you have to edit, as I don't have much experience in that department. We had to trim the whole beginning which I loved. We'll see tomorrow when we do the final cut. I'll need the music done by then.

We have until Friday at midnight to have this thing completed and received. Hopefully we can download it and send it as a file. Worst case scenario- we'll have to send it by courier pigeon.

Wish me luck!


Stefany said...

What is 'The Conversation' about again? Sorry, but it's hard to keep track of your not-so-busy schedule... Okay, okay. You're probably doin' a lot more than me right now and I'M the one who is supposed to have a social life. I should stop being so cruel...

By the way, I think you meant 'carrier pigeon' instead of whatever the hell you said.

*had to add that small jab

Anonymous said...

Good luck!
When you do post a link to your commercial [which you better do! :)], you should post one for the version that you didn't have to cut pieces out of. Just 'cause the judges of the contest are missing out doesn't mean your faithful readers have to!

Thomas Phillip said...

next thing you know, your are coffee bean discussing your next role as director with some big studio head.

remember me!

Wandering Appalachian said...

Good luck! That's quite exciting!

Stefany said...

Oh, and *cough* good luck!

(I forgot to add that)

Thomas Phillip said...

By the way... It's Disneyland's 54th anniversary today. I wrote a little something about it, just so you can't say I don't post anything on my blog.

Thomas Phillip said...

^^that was shameful. Good luck on your movie and post in on FLAST!!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

"The Conversation", young lady, is about an unhappy couple sitting at table & having an argument via texting w/o speaking. It will be subtitled, & possibly in B&W, if & when it's completed.

Cruel to be kind, Zetz- cruel to be kind!

THANKS for the jab & the English terminology lesson!


C. Louis Wolfe said...

THANKS! My IF is oft-times sweet. I'll do what I can. I'll prolly post it here, YT, & my new evil FB page as well. I need all the exposure I can get, & it's always nice when I can expose myself w/o getting arrested! ;~)

Faithful readers? Do you mean all 3 of you?! ;-0

C. Louis Wolfe said...

VERY doubtful, if not ever to happen. I am a big fan of coffee however!

That said you're a kind dude, DB.

PS- "Remember me"? It's hard to forget someone you've never met! :-)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

THANKS Gwennie! You always have kind words to say. I appreciate that VERY much. Hope you're well.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef, you really should see a doctor about that *cough* of yours.

Hope you feel better soon!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

HAPPY 54th to DL & DB!
Take a bow!!!!

HOLY CRAPTASTIC! You posted something?! I'd better make my way to your place post-haste!

PS- EVERYTHING is shameful on FLAST! Wouldn't have it any other way DB.