Saturday, July 11, 2009

I'm So Ashamed...

Now I've gone and done it. I've tread where I've dreaded to tread. I've joined Satan's playground. The communist central location known as Facebook.

I feel like a martyred hypocrite. In all honesty, the ONLY reason I joined was to track down my friend CH. Well, I succeeded, but now I'm trapped. Monsters old and new are crawling up from their dungeons, or slithering out from underneath beds everywhere. 

Old foes as well as some former Nemesis's wanting suddenly to be my "friend", after many years of regret, deep meditation, and mellowing. HELLLLLLLP MEEEEEEE!

I must admit however, it's sickly (or is that sickeningly) addictive. I feel like it's just another distraction from posting here at FLAST. It is summer however, and readership is down 5/3's, as people who have real lives find better things to do than read this drivel.

Speaking of summer, I sure hope you're enjoying yours! Don't forget to slather on some sunblock, SPF 5000.


Frances said...

LOL! I know what you mean, C. Louis! I have been on Facebook for a while now and though I have reconnected with some old friends and am able to keep up with my kids' lives, I also got a friend add from my hubby's ex-wife. Too weird! Stalked on facebook!

Thomas Phillip said...

Facebook, Blogger, Twiter whatever. They all serve the same purpose witch is to connect you with people you know. So you shouldn't feel ashamed..."people who need people are the luckiest people in the world."

and might I add that just because it's a fad doesn't make if less valid. :)


Stefany said...

Eh... I got a Facebook because someone made me do it. I guess I'm a pushover.

You actually reminded me that I have one... Ya see, I don't want to reconnect with people I once knew. That was the 'old' me. I need a fresh new start. I'm finished with these people!

Like they say, it doesn't matter where you came from. It's where you're going that's important.

tia-juana said...

I have a page too only because someone else set me up on it (namely, my eldest). But I find it kind of boring (probably) due to the fact that I do not use it as it is intended: as a social website. (I am not very social.) It is fun/interesting to see what my "friends", particularly my second eldest, talk about though...

[wouldn't it be a terrible thing to be un-friended?]

good luck!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

That is "Too weird!" Frances. FB addictive & fun, but kinda scary!

THANKS for commenting.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

I know DB, I know. I'm not really ashamed. Ya do whatz ya gotz ta do. As always you are the voice of wisdom & reason.

PS- Please don't sing. ;^}

C. Louis Wolfe said...

As usual Stefi, I agree w/you for the most part. It doesn't matter where I've been, & I'm goin' nowhere fast!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Dearest Tia, doll, etc.

I searched for you on FB, but alas was unable to find you. See if you can find me then you can be my "friend".

Well, you already are, but you know what I mean...don't you? :^)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

PS- I've been un-friended, be-friended, de-friended, re-friended, & be-headed. I'm sure you get the jist, or not.

PS- Is the jist a dance from way back?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

-gasp- How could you?! Next thing we know, you'll have a Twitter and THEN what will we do?
My sister has been pressuring me to get a FB forever. Her reason? the apps. Go figure. I think I'll stick with Myspazz for now.

Oh, and in case you are thinking about getting a Twitter... you know what the singular noun for someone who uses Twitter is?
A twit. And that's the friendly version. Some people substitute an 'a' for the 'i.' :D

C. Louis Wolfe said...

I'd much rather be a twit for NOT being on twitter!

Yes I'm on Booger, & my band's on MySpazz (very funny by the way!), & now I'm playing in the sandbox at Satan's playground, FB!

Give into your sisters dark-side peer pressure & join up. Then you can continue to be my IF in/at another virtual realm! :-)

PS- Your sisters reason for being on FB is because of appetizers??!! ;~}