Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Is That All There Is?!

So the chief calls me in my waaaay back office ("The Ice Box"), as he often does, and in a stern serious tone, tells me to come up to HIS office. Uh-oh! I forgot, eyes and ears are everywhere in this place! As a current example, he caught me (via computer) on Facebook earlier in the day, even writing it on my "wall" for all the world to see! Sure I could use the argument that he was on it too, but I'm pretty sure that's an argument I would quickly lose. And as he often says, "I'm the chief that's why!"

I slowly took the perp walk dragging my feet all the way up to his office through the dingy, dimly lit hallways, with my head hung low, expecting to be rebuked, as my mind quickly raced to come up with a really clever and imaginative excuse as to why I was on FB on company time. As I reached the door to his office, I realized I had nothin', and would just man-up and take whatever punishment was coming my way.

He was on the phone as I entered, and looking up, motioned for me to sit in the electric chair. He picked up something from his desk and threw it at me. Thank God for my still employable cat-like reflexes- they still serve me well. As I look down at what he threw, 25 years of my life washed over me like a tidal wave. As I was drowning, I realized I was holding a black pleather (?) bi-fold containing my PBA Silver Life Card! This is the metal card you receive when you've worked 25 years and are about to retire.

There was no fanfare. No drama. No tears. No gold watch. No nothin', aside from the (real?) silver metal card with my name lovingly (not!) etched upon it. I looked up at the chief, hoping for a smile, or a wink, or nod, but he just motioned for me to leave.

How utterly anti-climatic! The card's NOT even gold for crap sake! Well, I guess this is one of those, don't let the door hit you on the ass, type situations............sigh.


Barbara310 said...

As I sat here reading your blog, I grew increasingly worried that something was going to happen, be said, or worse, done; for having been on FB during the day. Of course, I too was there with you when we both should have been working! (Shame on us)But of course, I would have felt truly horrible for you.

Am so glad, exasperated, thrilled, that all that the Chief wanted was to offer you your Silver Card...Congrat's on that!!! And of course, am even more glad to hear that for being "60" your reflexes are still in tact! LMAO (Just Kidding!!!)

Dang, I keep earning ticket points don't I? Or is it your witt is rubbing off on me? Hmmm, one will never know...

Enjoy your evening darlin'!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

See, "B", That's what they call good creative writing!

As such a writer, I kept you on the edge of your seat, wanting to know more- what happens next?! You may now put your chair in it's up-right position...

THANKS for the kind words, but "60"?! Come on, that's kinda harsh. I'm ONLY 59!

Know that my wit is absolutely un-rubbable! Sorry, but you'll have to find your own.

Darlin'? Really? THANKS for leaving a comment.

I noticed that you used the numbers 310 in your moniker. If you twist it up & roll it around a bit, you'll have my badge number!

Barbara310 said...

As an avid reader, or new at of yours at that, you keep your followers sitting on the edge of their seats...Waiting, Wanting, Needing More...Sounds like some of the stories I've written as well...and that's the best compliment anyone can ever give a writer...

Forgive me, I know you're only 59, but 60 is only around the corner right??? LOL

And don't worry, deary, darlin', honey...I won't rub away your charm and wit...I have my own, it's just coming out slowly as I am always cautious as to how far I can let it out...but when it does come out...WATCH OUT! LMAO

Hmmm so we share a common badge/number? LOL

Thomas Phillip said...

WOLF, YOU'RE ONLY 59!? You write like your 36. ;())

C. Louis Wolfe said...

59? No.
36? I WISH!

Actually I'm 5,936 years old last year between a Monday & a Wednesday!

THANKS for the comment. Hope you've been well & are enjoying your summer, which sadly is almost over already.

Where did the time go. This was the fastest summer in recent memory!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Well hello there B310. Why 310? Some mysterious meaning? Perhaps not....

Sadly, I'm pretty sure you're my ONLY avid reader at this point. DB'll stop by when he's really bored & not filming one of his Oscar winning hits!

Barbara310 said...

Well, good morning Wolfie and DB...

Well Mr.Banks, when you are in the need of another Star for your next Oscar Winning Production, let me know...lmao...I'm sure I can fill a few spots for you with my award winning Tony

Wolfie darlin', you know me 25, that sounds so you don't know what 310 means? Hmmm I'll let you ponder that...but, I'll give you a's not my badge # since I didn't have a badge yet when we met so many moons

Hope you both have a great day!

Thomas Phillip said...

Barbara310 Thanks for the nice comment-I think. How did you know I'm in the throws of film production??

I guess the world is smaller than I thought.

Barbara310 said...

Evening Dusty...Mr.Wolf had commented on your film production in his comment so I went off his...Good luck with it though!!!

Hope you are both enjoying your evening!!!

Thomas Phillip said...

Then how does he know I'm filming?? I'm so confused! I thought I kept it a secret!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

"Well, good morning Wolfie and DB..." ?!

You know, this isn't the 1st time someone's tried to take over MY blog, but you won't succeed! I know people who know people, that I'm sure you don't know. What?!

DB, You really in the film business? I know you're in the LA area, but was actually just takin' a stab in the dark. Do tell...

Barbara310 said...

Good morning gentlemen!

I hope this finds you both well...

My dear Mr.Wolf, I in no way would ever take over your are 1 in a million and who can ever outdo you??? Who would even try???

Oh and by the way, I know people too that you don't know...ha ha ha...

It's been a week now, we need something new :)

Hope you have a good day and I'll be watching my tail (or is it trail)? LOL

Thomas Phillip said...

" You really in the film business? I know you're in the LA area, but was actually just takin' a stab in the dark. Do tell..."

next blog post he he he.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

I'm ALWAYS watching you DB!!!!

Thomas Phillip said...


I got the last word.

Anonymous said...

WTF? They should have a had a presentation ceremony and thrown you a gigantic, champagne-and-ballon-filled party at the very least. Why? 'cause you're jsut cool like that, that's why.