Thursday, July 23, 2009

Adios, Amigos!

For whom the Taco Bell tolls, it sadly tolls for an advertising icon. The famous Taco Bell chihuahua (Gidget) who fascinated the world in the 90's with the catch phrase, "Yo quiero Taco Bell!", died this past Tuesday from complications due to a stroke. Gidget, actually voiced by actor Carlos Alazraqui (Reno 911!) on the commercials, was 15-dog years-old when she went to that salsa and guacamole filled burrito in the sky.

Vaya con tacos, amigo!


Thomas Phillip said...

puede ella se reclina en paz

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Si, DB?

Thomas Phillip said...

I translated "may he rest in peace" into puede ella se reclina en paz. I don't think it's correct thu, I used one of those online translators.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

EY-YI-YI! Not sure what THAT means! ;^)

.beee. said...

Aw. That's so sad.....

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Aww .beee., I know. I wept & ate a taco, or 2, or 3! As ALWAYS thanks for stopping by. I dig the glasses!