Thursday, June 4, 2009

Friend or Foe?!

It's pretty damn cool that there are real people out there that read my little slice of heaven, and very small part of the universe, that is my humble blog. Legend has it that there's 28 of you. I also realize more often than not, it's quality, NOT quantity. By this I mean about 30% of the displayed "followers" do not actually follow FLAST. They are friends and acquaintances who are kind enough to sign up for, but NEVER read, nor post comments on this blog. MY own FRIENDS!

This was not intended to be a post about me being a whinny bitch, but to whole-heartily THANK the 60% (more or less- it's not an exact science) who DON'T EVEN KNOW ME, that DO take the time to read and comment! It means a lot. It truly does!

Here's to another 500 imaginary followers... :-)


Thomas Phillip said...

Haha With out us you're just a "whinny bitch". Just kidding. I enjoy your little blog so no need to thank me for reading, I should be thanking you.

JUST KIDDING. Man I'm on a roll.
But honestly this mad me chuckle. What back handed way to thank your readers. :^ ]

Anonymous said...

I like you and your blog, in a weird and scary sort of way! And you would be the one to appreciate that!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Actually DB, I've ALWAYS been a WB, although you are helpful! :-)

You can NEVER thank me enough- you're welcome very much.

Dude, what kinda roll? Cinnamon? Keiser, sesame? Well??

Watch your mouth or I will back hand ya- but you might like that, I don't know you. ;']

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Ah SA, I'm VERY glad you like my blog. I like yours too even though I'm a single creepy old uncle. :-)

PS- How did you know I was weird & scary? Who told you?!

And yes, I do appreciate it.

Thomas Phillip said...

"Dude, what kinda roll? Cinnamon? Keiser, sesame? Well??"

make that an onion roll.

"Watch your mouth or I will back hand ya- but you might like that, I don't know you. ;']"

to get to know be simply visit my blog, secondary actions. It's a vary telling insightful place. (sorry about the plug)

Stefany said...

I will always be the leader to this shin-dig. If it wasn't for me being the very 1st visiter, no one would have followed...

Okay, maybe they woud have... But I like to think it's all because of me! After all- if an interesting chick from Ohio leaves comments on this ol' blog, it must be good!

Frances said...

I found you through SonyaAnn and I must say, you are hilarious. Is that not your intention? Well, I sometimes misread. LOL!

You sound like someone that will fit right into SonyaAnn's creepy stalkerish little community. I like that!

Ashly Star said...

I have a ton of followers too but I don't even have a clue about half of them because they never comment, lol. I always wonder how many followers really do read the blogs they sign up to follow. ;)

Have a good weekend you whin... errr, charming man! ;)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Onion rolls are ALL good DB, but don't be kissin' nobody, 'cause that's just inconsiderate! :'0

The absolute nerve of you using MY blog as a shameless plug for your own!!

OK, come-on people check out DB's blog. He can be an interesting dude when he finally gets around to posting. :-)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Yes were my 1st, perhaps you'll be my last- I always give you props- STOP givin' me a guilt trip! My father was Jewish (mom- not so much) so it already comes quite naturally.

It's ALL good Zetz- ALL GOOD!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Sadly Frances (may I call you Fran...or not) that is NOT my intention at all. I'm a miserable downer, & I'm constantly trying to prove that here.

People must be laughing AT me, 'cause I'm NOT laughin'!

That said, THANKS for crossing enemy lines to read my subversive blog. I promise to always disappoint & bore you EVERY chance I get! Jus' kiddin'...or am I? I'll NEVER EVER tell. ;^)

Good, I'm always glad to fit in- doesn't happen much, however I do make a damn good stalker- NOT professionally tho, still practicing. :~}

C. Louis Wolfe said...

AR- You DO indeed have M-A-N-Y followers. I'm jealous & I resent you! SORRY, but I'm gonna have to cause some dissent & mutiny! Besides, you have ALL those followers because of your suggestive & provocative blog. I've tried that here & have repeatedly FAILED!

Actually, if you ever got to know me, you'd find that I'm quite the charming whiny bitch, if I do say so myself, & I DO- all the time!

You have a good weekend as well. THANKS for commenting, I know you're a very busy girl.

PS- You're in the band by the way- suit up!

Frances said...

I just love a whiny bitch! Keep it up.

And, sorry, you may NOT call me Fran. That is the one version of my name I cannot stand.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!