Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Oh no- OH YES! It's EVERYONE'S favorite FLAST post, returning after a brief hiatus.

Ask a question, even a tough one, and the silly cartoon drummer guy will attempt to answer it in the most prompt manner possible. Remember, I claim no honesty, but I'll always try to be truthful, hilarious, witty, and deftly charming in my replies.

So hit it...


tia-juana said...

Isn't honesty the same as being truthful? (that's not my question.)

T.M.I. question: What about your demeanor would you change about yourself - even though it may be part of how people interact with you and relate to you? (i.e., if you could change an aspect of your personality, what would it be?)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

SORRY Tia, TOO LATE, the 1st question is it for you!

Hmmm, aren't I perfect the way I am? Seriously, I think I'd like to be less grouchy (especially in the morning) & more patient w/people. I tend to be a bit moody- especially when I've not gotten much sleep.

As far as truthful & honest, I often get those two confused & they become one BIG blur. ;^]

tia-juana said...

I just used "grouchy" in my last comment and I hadn't even read this TMI response yet! Perhaps I know you too well???

tia-juana said...

follow-up (very slow day at work): can you think of a trait, that is not a negative one, but that you would change?

Stefany said...

I'm BAAACK! Well, I've really been here the whole time...

Anyway, I have to think of something interesting. For some reason, this popped into my head. Please don't think I'm psychotic!

Say you believed in Heaven AND Hell and they both existed. If you were forced to visit one place (you wouldn't be harmed... it would all be from afar) and film a documentary, which would you choose?

P.S. Got a new post up.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

OK T, I'll indulge you 'cause I'm a nice guy & I's likes ya.

Although I'm quite charming, witty, charismatic, etc., sometimes I'd like to take it down a notch or two. I'd like to think I'm the tall-dark, & mysteriously quiet type, I'm actually the tall-semi-tanned, non-mysterious, chatty Cathy type. :-(

I tend to say what's on my mind before I consider the consequences- kinda like foot in mouth decease.

That, I attribute to the ADHD (not a crutch- reality) crap. On the other hand, I kinda like it, because even though some people think I'm tryin' too hard, it's pretty much me- again, charming, witty, & charismatic!

I'm also pretty damn interesting ta boot! :-)

Did ANY of that actually make sense?! :~o

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Steffi-Zetz! You're killin' me! You know how I worry, as well as my abandonment issues!! :-(

That said, welcome back kid.

Hmmm, leave it to you to come up w/an unusual question. To answer the first two statements-

I do, & I believe they do. Before I answer the main question, who is it that would be forcing me, you? You little devil you.

I think I'd play it safe & make my doc in heaven. That Satan is a deceptive, tricky shit, so I'd probably get stuck down low. Wanna be up high sister- wanna be up high.

How dat?

Thomas Phillip said...

who is better in your honest opinion, Streisand or Judy Garland?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

That's a tough one DB. Both can belt out a tune, but I thought Garland was a better actress...or not.

But the question's supposed to be about Meeeeeee! :`|

Stefany said...

Well, unusual is my middle name!

Even if Satan is a tricky little shit, you wouldn't get hurt! It would have been in the contract. Then again, you don't seem like the type of person who would READ the contract... I would have to include colorful little drawings to get your attention!

Stefany said...


I have commented on all the posts I missed out on! Thank goodness for late night talk shows to entertain me along the way!

*kidding, Wolfe.*

I'm too lazy to comment on the comment you left on my blog (and my fingertips may be bleeding), so I'll just say g'night now... Or in your case, good morning!

Thomas Phillip said...

Oh my, the question is about you I said in "YOUR honest opinion"

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Yes, GOOD MORNING Zetz, barely. For someone who doesn't know me, you seem to know me pretty well. Sadly I do need lots of pics.

"HALLELU-JAH"?, Is that German? I didn't know you were in a choir. You could use you some religion sister.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

DB, DB, DB...

What I meant was PERSONAL questions, you know? As in dirty, deep dark secrets I'd never want ANYONE to know type stuff. Well, perhaps not.

It's ALL about ME! ME-ME-ME!

Stefany said...

What do you mean "is that German"? I spelled it right, yo. The last Hallelujah is always sang 'Halle(AY)lujah.'

And what do you mean I could use me some religion? Hmmm? I was raised Roman Catholic (never babtized, though). And I'm researching Buddhism.


Stefany said...

P.S. I'm siding with Dusty.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Don't get all snippy, snappy, & sassy on me Zetz!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Sigh...of course you are Stef, of course you are.
Sigh again...

Thomas Phillip said...

now we have to pic sides?!?!?!

I chose Streisand. And I will not be moved.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

FREE to choose! Can NEVER move a mountain unless it's high enough. :^)