Thursday, June 11, 2009

~ The Sweetest of Peas ~

Sadly VK's (see earlier post) Sweet Pea is gone. She hung on, strong of spirit until it was time to let go. VK of course is devastated, losing her nearest and dearest. I've been attempting to write a poem for VK and Pea. When, and if, I come up with something worthy, I will surely post it.

PLEASE continue to hold VK in your hearts, thoughts, and prayers, as she struggles through these difficult times. :-(


.beee. said...

VK is an amazing woman, and thanks for the sweet comment you left me as well. I talked to her last night and I know she's really hurting.

Your post for her was also lovely, and I really hope you finish that poem. I'd LOVE to read it =)


Thomas Phillip said...

I don't know VK in any Capacity but I must say yours as well as everyone else's kindness is incredible.

May Sweet Pea rest in peace. I'm sure she was a wonderful dog.

Gingerspark said...

awww... I am so sorry!

It is so hard losing furry family members

My own beloved pup is in for surgery on Monday. It's scary.

natalea said...

Hi... sorry for taking so long to answer...

I think the problem with the comment happened because I need to accept the coments in my blog. I did this because then I can read everything. =D

oh you're welcome... and I did a survey in english too... if you want to answer =D

Yes I really have this taste for dark humor ;P I'm glad to know that you liked. =D

Oh let me know if you hear something about it... I really like Burton's work =D he's AMAZING

hope you can understand me (I'm afraid of making mistakes when I'm writing in english ;P)


Stefany said...

Sweet Pea is in a happier place...

I once read something in one of those 'Chicken Soup For The Soul' books that really touched me- A little boy asked his mother if his beloved pet will be waiting for him in heaven. His mother replied 'everything you will ever need will be in heaven.'

Makes me feel better... I hope it will help you, VK, as well.


C. Louis Wolfe said...

THANKS to EVERYONE who left a comment to this particular post, even those of you that didn't, but had VK in your thoughts & prayers. I know it means so much to her.

tia-juana said...

VK, there are no words. Our pets touch us more deeply than any human could, and when they leave us, there is nothing or no one that can fill that empty space in our soul.

Time heals - albeit slowly.. hope you find some peace in knowing you will always have that wonderful spirit that Sweet Pea left with you. Take care.