Monday, June 1, 2009

Miserable Mondayz :-(

Thought I'd try out another lame (yet surprisingly creative) NEW feature to bring joy and excitement beyond belief to FLAST.

I H-A-T-E Mondays! Especially Monday mornings. Today was a particularly crappy Monday for lots of silly insignificant reasons I won't bore you with. So while desperate for a post, a broken light bulb went off in (or was it on) my head. How 'bout spinning miserable into marvelous? How 'bout lookin' at a frown upside down?

Can you come up with one thing good that happened to you today? It can be anything. Sweet, funny, heartfelt, even poignant. Just p-l-e-a-s-e give me something. Hey I'm one of the worlds biggest pessimists- although I prefer gritty realist- and if I can quietly utter something positive, well ding-dong-dang it all, so can you.

OK, I'll start.

I was the only one who woke up at the cemetery where I live. How's that? Please indulge me and leave a comment, or two, or three.


Thomas Phillip said...

I had a bad mixed drink tonight, that turned me off of booze for a while. Yay for me!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Yes my friend, mixed drinks will only mix you up & cause you to do mixed up things...or worse!

Sounds like you've learned a valuable lesson. Stay away-STAY AWAY!

PS- Actually I'm sure there are those that would say staying away from booze is a bad thing! ;^{

tia-juana said...

I ran into an old friend that I haven't seen for a while. Kind of made my morning... which have been pretty gloomy around my house lately.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

That sounds like a nice thing T. I've been reconnecting w/some long losts recently myself.

SORRY about the gloominess, perhaps you should pull the curtains/shades, & open some windows! I know, I know- BIG help. :-)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

DB- If you insist on mixing in the future, don't mix plaids w/poka-dots! Just a thought.

Thomas Phillip said...

"don't mix plaids w/poka-dots! Just a thought."
vary funny! I cant say that I wont at least experiment with that, but thanks anyway.

Stefany said...

What happened Monday... let's see. Oh, yes. The Sunday incident (which lead into Monday)-

Once again I was with LI (my only interesting friend). We went to the beach and walked around a bit near the FREEZING cold lake. Her car keys were dangling in my pocket for the majority of the time until I realized... THEY WERE NOW GONE! I cursed and kicked the sand but it didn't really phase her... She would have to call her mom (who lives 45 minutes away) and beg her to drive up and deliver the spare key... Well, we couldn't wait all day, and her mom would be coming home at 12am (we called with some stranger's cell). I (luckily) left my house key in LI's car, and she left the door unlocked. We then decided to walk along the freeway, back to my house (almost a 3 mile walk in the heat). Along the way, we sang slave songs and saw some baby geese, a run over toad, and a rabbit we named Harold... She ended up sleeping over because her mom would have to come the next day. That night around 2am, we watched a cheesey '80s movie called 'The Gate' and we laughed so hard until my dad's thundering voice ended all joy in the house.

~The End~

C. Louis Wolfe said...

WOW, some story Zetz, but is it truuue? Of course it is!

You swore?!

Tell your dad to give me a call...