Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A blog is a blog, is a blog, is a...............

So many blogs so little time. Why is mine different? It's not. What purpose does it serve? I'm not sure. I suppose even if no one actually reads it, it may serve as a release of some sort. A virtual mental health therapy session, or as Irv would say; "how's that workin' out for you"? I respond in part; "get your Irv on"!

I had initially planned to use this blog as a forum for some poetry I'd been piece mealing lately. Is that an actual phrase or word? Most of which is on hundreds of little scraps of paper, scattered around my apartment. Just remember scraps rhymes with craps. Think about that for a minute or two and move on.

I just don't want to be like the dead cat lady. Found on the floor after several weeks of decomposition. Being slowly devoured by hundreds of Feral cats that apparently have no taste. ten foot high stacks of papers surrounding my body, almost resembling a corn maze with no escape! All of my unfinished poems, short stories, film and TV idea's found by greedy siblings that sell them on eBay for mere pennies. I'd finally found fame and fortune, although unable to enjoy it because I was...........well dead. Maybe that's not the best way to achieve those things. It would probably be much more enjoyable if I could obtain it while still physically existing on this mortal coil. Of course I'd actually have to finish something first. Nah. Ain't gonna happen............or will it?

I've just read over all that just proceeded this, and I realize I have absolutely NO idea WTF it means. Apparently my stream of consciousness has drained, and my train of thought has derailed. OK. Done. I got nothin'!

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