Monday, September 22, 2008


Today is the first official day of fall, or as I like to formally call it, autumn.

Without a doubt, my favorite time of year. A small, yet vital influence over the title of my now famous (and read by millions) blog. I've ALWAYS loved autumn ever since I was a boy. Unlike most people, I prefer it when the sun sets earlier. My twisted logic being; I can go home, put on my jams, and not suffer one bit of guilt! Come daylight savings time & summer, I feel obligated to be outside which is nice, but obligation I feel obliged to.

Autumn also brings crisp cool air and the smell of burning leaves, (which is illegal in Jersey) and wood. It brings the promise of hot cider, pumpkins, and turkey. It brings HALLOWEEN! The creme de le creme of holidays. I'm considering having another party this year, Although last year's party ended up to be somewhat of a disaster. Well, for me, Anyone trying to help, but especially for Miss RJW. Although she had to endure some crappy things and cranky behavior, she bravely came through, making the party the success it was. Mostly for the guests, who for the most part, were clueless as to the behind the scenes shenanigans and horror! Almost one year later, THANKS again RJW. You were the glue baby!

If I do have a party this year, it will be on my terms. A bit smaller and hopefully more cost efficient. Not the unwieldy beast it became last year. It got to the point where I felt it wasn't even my party anymore. I felt I had absolutely NO control! That's what I get for including others in the planning and execution. I was trying to save a buck, and get some assistance. I must admit I was clearly warned, over and over, what would happen. Thank you very much Miss W. A prophecy fulfilled!


rockywunderlich said...

i used to love autumn, it was my fave time of year.
everything getting darker, staying inside was cosier and tv was better.
plus it means christmas is coming.

but now, it sucks.
cant handle getting up in the dark to go to work, coming home in the dark from work, its bloody cold and tv is now crap.
plus christmas is coming so i have to start shopping for a million presents.
personally the summer is now the one, get more done as its lighter, ijust wish global warming meant it was warmer. we havent had a summer in the uk for about four years.
but i do like halloween!

Stefany said...

I feel the same way with daylight savings time. I hate people telling me, "It's still light out! Go do something! Run through the daisies. Be merry!" While I just want to sit on my couch watching a good movie with some peanut butter (no jelly) sandwiches.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

I simply hate people, but I love peanut butter EVERYTHING!