Sunday, September 14, 2008

A pincha dis, a pincha dat.

Between my glorious ADHD, with a smattering of OCD light, I find myself returning over and over again to my blog posts. Obsessively editing, and re-editing. Tinkering feverishly until I'm sure they, in no way, resemble my originally intentioned posts. Thanks, Itchy and Linnen! I'd rather blame you two, then suck it up, and blame myself. It ALWAYS feels better to blame someone, or something else for our actions. After all, that's what made this country great!

Are there any other bloggers out there that add unnecessary stress to their lives by doing this? Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?

Sorry. Trying to be clever with a lame song reference that doesn't actually make this post anymore clever than it already isn't. Cheers.

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