Saturday, September 13, 2008

The CVS incident

I'm sure some of you will laugh at this. OK. most of you will. Regardless, I was getting out of my car when, and I'm not quite sure how this happened, I SLAMMED my head against something really hard. I think it may have been the car door, unless I was sucker punched, which is a possibility. And no. I wasn't drunk. Thank you very much!

I was momentarily stunned. It really hurt. I thought I was goin' down. I saw those stupid birds flying around my head like in the cartoons. I saw stars...........whatever.

I tried to compose myself. Trying to look cool and hoping to high heaven that NO ONE witnessed my buffoonish blunder. I went inside the store. Walking around, I felt a little dizzy. I put my hand to my head to feel if there was a bump forming. That's when I saw the blood. Not a lot mind you, but enough for me to get a little anxious. I asked an employee to evaluate the extent of my injury. He offered a band aid. I made my purchase and left the store. I felt stupid. I had a headache.

That's right. Go ahead and laugh. Yuck it up. It's always funny when it happens to the other guy. Just remember, karma can be a terrible thing. Ponder that for a while, and best of luck to you.

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