Saturday, September 20, 2008

To blog or not to blog.............................

So far, if I've not already mentioned it, I've been enjoying this blogging thing. I've never kept a diary, but have considered doing it for many years. I'm a lazy writer, and tend to write long hand. The old fashioned way! I've never made the jump to utilize existing technologies. I tend to use the computer at work which is difficult because I seem to have lost my security ID card. You see, you need this highly advanced "big brother" device to get through several doors in the building.

I can see the annoyance in the faces of my fellow employees as they have to use their cards so I can gain access. The nerve of me! Several have even asked why I've been spending so much time at work when I'm off. I think they suspect I'm building a bomb. Actually, I'm still waiting to receive my bomb components package from Amazon. I was able to get free shipping so that's a bonus! Regardless, now I have to write and file a report. Now I think I'm in trouble. I'll deal with that on Monday, for crap's sake!

Back to the matter at hand; writing my blog. I really like the fact that my writing is instantaneously posted, as I'm an instant gratification kinda guy. My dilemma is this. How much of my soul do I lay bare? I suppose in all actuality, very few people are reading this. I'm writing mostly for myself, and mostly for those I choose to provide a link. I try to use my discretion wisely. Anyone else from Blogger who stumbles across my blog is most likely a total stranger, (I think) so either way I guess everything I wrote in this particular post truly doesn't matter................or does it?

We'll see. I'm sure I'll figure out something. I hope.

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