Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..................

Time. I dislike it. No, I loath it. OK, I hate it!

It's EVERYWHERE! wrists, walls, nightstands, microwaves, even computers.

When your a kid it really doesn't matter except where holidays, birthdays, summer, school, and stuff like that are concerned. Time seems to drag, like you have nothing but time. Kids actually complain about this. The little SOB's! ;^)

Then you become an adult. Well, some of us do. Time becomes the enemy! We always want more. There's never enough. You can easily become a slave to it. It's especially dodgy as far as aging is concerned. Birthdays. Great for kids, (unless you don't get what you want!) can suck for grownups, (unless you DO get what you want!).

Too slow for the young. Too fast for the old.

I guess the whole point of this is, my F-----G birthday is rapidly approaching. I fear this is going to be a difficult one.

The big 4-5!

Apparently half my life is over. Well, if I look at it optimistically, The second half could actually make up for the first, and dare I say, surpass it! Nah. Too positive. :-)

"Two things an old man fears. Mornings and mirrors".

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