Monday, September 22, 2008

I found it!

No, not my sanity. My security ID tag I had been searching for ALL week! Where did I find it you ask. I found it in my laundry basket. Still wrapped around the collar of my shirt. Of course it would be found the day before returning to work, after my boss had deactivated it. Of course it would be found in the last place I looked.

Fortunately I did not have to write a report. My boss, at least the guy who thinks he is, was able to reactivate it. I thought he'd have to make a new one. I did however, have endure one of his mindless lectures. Later on he confided in me that he had misplaced his as well. I asked if he would have told me. He emphatically answered NO! That's why he's the boss.


Rennie said...

Ha ha! Of course it's in the last place you looked or you would have found it already! Maybe you should do your laundry more often, Stinky!

Stefany said...

What kind of job do you have? Probably better than my factory one. I'm getting out of it next year when I turn 19, though, to go to Lincoln Electric. Not the machinery part! Yes! I'm taking business courses in the winter for an office job.

Stefany said...

sorry, can't comment on any more posts! Chiro time!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

I can't tell you what job I have. I'll give you a hint tho. I'm a government spy that kills people who smell bad. My job may pay more than yours, but you probably have more fun............or not!