Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble-Gobble Said the Headless Turkey!

I hope you are enjoying or enjoyed your hopefully thankful and not thankless Thanksgiving. Today in Jersey is perfect (at least to me) Thanksgiving weather. Cloudy and cold. I'm not sure why I feel that way. It just seems right and always has.

Yes, like a buffoon I'm at work typing up this holiday post as it's the only place I can really accomplish this without distractions (from who?!). Besides, I don't live far away at all. Don't feel bad for me. Being alone on Thanksgiving is a choice for me. I received many kind invitations, but it's a nice day to relax while the wife and my seven brats visit the "out-laws" in Topeka.

Hey, I'm happy and Thankful. Isn't that what today is all about anyway? Who needs that pesky family nonsense. I got to sleep in a bit, had a fine cup o' mud, read not one but two news papers and watched the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! I love that parade and try to watch it every year as a tradition. I'd love to see it in person, but I don't like crowds!

I was quite comfy watching it on my hi-def 60" Sony LCD, thank you very much! I was very warm in my jams laying on my couch. It's actually Macy's' one hundred and fiftieth year anniversary too. I hope they can celebrate despite the economy amid consumers growing concerns. I fear tomorrow will truly be a "black Friday".

There was a very interesting news article in today's Star-Ledger that indicates the current economic climate might actually have some benefits. It may make people appreciate what they have, more than what they don't have. It could instill values in our country's youth, that these days, tend to take much for granted and still believe "money grows on trees". There's the possibility that it could bring a return to simple joys, and even make us more aware of what the upcoming holidays are all about, as well as their true and important significance.

A few people who lived through the depression stated as bad as times seem to be getting, it was much worse back then. We'll see what happens. I believe there's good in almost everything. You just have to be brave, open, and willing enough to see it.

I'm sure we can all find at least one thing to be thankful for. If you have the basics; food, clothing, and shelter, you actually have more than many people in the world. If you have health, you have wealth. If you have love (family & friends) you have everything!

I wrote that, but I'm sure some other famous person may have written or mentioned it at one time or another.

Before I leave you and return to my humble abode, I'd like to share a Estonian (don't ask) proverb I read today, and I quote; "Who does not thank for little will not thank for much."

Happy Thanksgiving To You and Yours!

I think Charlie Brown and the rest of the Peanuts gang had the right idea.


Stefany said...

I had a pretty good Thanksgiving.
I "celebrated" with my parents, brother, and aunt.
We ate some Croatian dishes (fish, rice, excellent pastries) and watched a couple of movies (which I will post about... as usual).

I've never had a traditional Thanksgiving, but I don't really care. Yet, I sometimes think what it would be like to live in an American household...

Ah, well. When I move to Maine, I'll make sure I'm all decked out in the holday spirit dammit!

Stefany said...

Okay, I'm commenting on your LONG post now (I think I forgot to earlier... or hoped you wouldn't notice... kidding of course).

I wish the place I work at had something creative in mind. What could I make a film about there? Maybe a documentary on how Mexicans like to hit on 18 year old American/Croatian chicks. Or a documentary on how to avoid eye contact with your own flesh and blood. Or even a documentary on how overly proud, judgemental, pessimistic, cynical, and paranoid foreign people are... No anger here...

As for the computer, can't give ya any advice on that one. I'm not very technologically advanced. This whole blog thing is new for me. I just recently got an email address, too. As for myspace... no thank you. But I DO want to get a laptop. I just learned that you could watch DVD's on them. That sold me...

Okay, band names. I read your previous comment and you mentioned a certan something about winning the lottery (I already know your probably rolling in the dough... sunglasses man). So how about THE SUGAR DADDY'S? A little thug-like though...

P.S. That was a very very long comment to a very long post. So there, we're even... kind of...

Crystal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
C. Louis Wolfe said...

Who dares to comment on my post simply to delete it?! Come forth infidel! Show yourself for the coward that you are!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hey Stef-
As always THANKS for your comments. We have to support each other as we are truly blogging buddies!

Sounds like you had a very interesting non-turkey day. I'd love to try some ethnic food for a change. I'm not a seafood person though. Are a lot of Croatian dishes made with dezians of the sea? That's OK, I'll always accept excellent pastries!

So your parents are right off the boat huh? I'd love to be a fly on the wall in your house!

"holday spirit?" Is that a Croation holiday? ;^)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

THANKS for your loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong remark to my looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong post!