Friday, November 21, 2008

Heading South

This weekend I'll be heading down to the shore (LBI) to help my best buddy get his beautiful shore house winterized. It'll be nice to get away if only for a short time. Although it's only a one hour and forty minute car ride, it's far enough away where it seems, well, far enough away.

I actually prefer being down the shore in the off season. Sure it's cold, but it's quiet and relaxing. The NJ shore gets it share of bashing as well as the state itself, but it's usually by people who've never visited or spent much time here. Ya just gotta know where to go. We have absolutely beautiful beaches as well as mountains and forests. We even have country with farms, chickens, cows 'n stuff. Yessiree Bob! In fact, NJ enjoys all four seasons and I myself reside only about forty five minutes outside NYC depending on traffic/weather conditions.

Well that's pretty much my weekend. I don't 'spect I'll have time to post, but who knows? The shadow knows! stranger things have happened. Lord willing, I'll be back Monday. Speaking of weekends, I hope you enjoy yours. Be well.

1 comment:

Stefany said...

Have fun! And PLEASE learn how to post pictures on your blog.

I need to see this scenery you speak of. I live in a suburb so there's not much to look at. Sure there are some tree's and a marsh. That's not too bad. And Cleveland is nice. I live to the east of Cleveland. Sure it's not as exciting as New York City. But it's not as bland as people believe it is...