Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Apple of My Eye

I FINALLY did it!!

I put down my club, left my cave, and bought my FIRST (yes- you read that right!) computer. Not just any computer mind you, but the infamous iMac! I've thought about braking down and buying one for years, but to be honest, I've been quite content with my MSNTV system. If you're not aware of it, it's basically a low tech to no tech browser.

If your still curious about this amazing gadget you've most likely never heard of, Google it, than be ready to be duly unimpressed. I have to say however, that it's got me through some tough times. Occasionally being both my girlfriend and best friend! Ewww, that sounded kinda gross didn't it?!

My boss has been brow beating me for several years to buy one. I finally do, and he's furious I purchased a Mac. I want to get into making my own little movies, and from the various creative people whose brains I've picked dry, it seemed the best way to go.

To be (occasionally) honest, I feel a little guilty buying this during our current economic turn down, but I say WTF! It's MY life dag nab it! It's Christmas and Kwanzaa and stuff! I don't own a house, I'm a spinster, and have no little dependants as far as I'm aware and I'd like to keep it that way. At least now I'll be able to work on my God forsaken blog from home as opposed to staying late at work (like now!) or coming in when I'm off.

From me
To me
love always,


LittleIsis said...

WOW! And imac, huh? So your boss is a PC fan? Well, Macs and PC's both have their benefits and drawbacks, so don't bother listening to enthusiasts of either one. macs are very nice. Just don't ever get a Dell, dude!

Stefany said...

What kind of movies would you create? Just curious...

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Why porn of course! Is there anything else?
Jus kiddin'!

I'll have a lot to learn, but I'd like to work on some shorts (not underwear!) I've outlined.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

You rock! I'll NEVER get a Dell dudette! Love my Mac so far. Big ass 24" monitor!