Sunday, December 21, 2008

Come the Bleak Winter

According to my calendar today is the first "official" day of winter. Who decides that? I'd like to know. The weather outside is frightful, and I'm feeling far from delightful. It's been a combination of snow, sleet, and rain mixing and churning into icy cold mayhem. We're due for some more snow today so the outlook is good for a white Christmas, Hanukkah, what have you. Does it really matter? As long as your happy with yourself, and to a lesser degree, those around you.

The leaves are long gone the naked trees sigh
White powder adorns them a season gone by
The icy wind beckons tho nobody's there
Come the bleak winter without despair 



Stefany said...

It's not too bad in Ohio right now. There is snow on the ground. It looks quite nice. AND, I can even see the sky! I see some blue up there instead of grey! Wait, is that SUN-LIGHT?

It's very bright out due to the 5" of snow everywhere. About 21*. I'm hoping it will stick for a white Christmas.

*Stefany's forecast is complete*

Unknown said...

It's also the winter solstice today, so days start getting longer and nights start getting shorter. I assume the "official" start of winter is meant to coincide with that.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

That's an odd paradox Cate, but I'll go with it.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stefany my dear- It's ALWAYS bad in Ohio! Jus' kiddin'..................or am I?