Wednesday, December 24, 2008

You Know Your Getting Old When................................

You fall asleep during A Charlie Brown Christmas which is only twenty minutes long WITHOUT commercials for crap sake!

I now bow my (block) head in shame.

1 comment:

Stefany said...

Gosh, I recoreded (on my DVR) It's a Wonderful Life. Oh how I love Jimmy Stewart! Well, I was saving it for Christmas Day when I discovered that it had deleated itself from my recording list! There was not enough space for it... I was so mad!

Ah, well. I ended up watching The Mummy with my aunt and mom (aunt is my mom's sister in-law). It wasn't BAD, but I still prefered the other Mummys. Yet, Ebert said it was the best one in the series... My aunt then reminded me that he is slowly dying of cancer.