Monday, December 1, 2008

Fresh Baked Cup Cakes

While out dining with a friend for lunch, I spied a familiar, but not recently seen face. She (and her body) was walking down the sidewalk across the street from where we were eating. I suddenly and rudely left the table to try to get her attention. I was having lunch with a guy for crap sake. Any guy would have done the same thing.

I got her attention by screaming and dropping my pants which in hindsight was probably not one of my better ideas, especially since I was downtown. Despite observing this disturbing spectacle, she smiled and crossed the street. She sat with us for a few minutes before my friend had to leave to return to his job. She ended up walking me back to work. It gave us some time to catch up on each others lives. It was very nice to see her again. Hopefully we'll make more of an effort to stay in touch and not let so much time go by between visits.

The title of this blog is a reference to her vocation, as well as a pet name I occasionally refer to her in the third person......................................or is that the fifth?

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