Monday, December 8, 2008

To Blog Another Blog?

I'm considering adding an additional (that's quite a bit of adding) blog to my blogging repertoire. This one keeps me busy enough, but I think I might like to blog specifically about the movies I rent and view through my old pal Netflix. It's tentatively called "My Netflix Nights". We'll see. I'm probably biting off more than I can blog.

That's all I need. More typing! As if my paws weren't calloused (spell check allowed that-I think it's spelled wrong) enough already! Hey..........I didn't mean it that way.


Unknown said...

You could always blog about movies in your current blog and put a label on it for movies and add a cute little gadget on the side that lists the categories you blog about, which is niftily, magically and automatically updated every time you post a new entry, provided you add a label to the entry.

Stefany said...

I just blog about the movies I care for. If I blogged about all the movies I watch in general... I would never be off the blog!

Hell, I could go on and on about this film I watched last night with Denzel and an Indian chick. It wasn't good, so that's why I don't write about it.

You should do the same. Blog about the movies you care for... or really hate.