Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holy Crap on a Stick!

I actually have three (loyal?) followers to my Cult of FLAST! You guys must be board. It took lots of money, blackmailing, and psychotropics, but it worked! I'm honored. I hope they'll stay with me until I run this thing into the ground, or at least until the world implodes. Whichever comes first. Place yer bets!

So my thanks go to three lovely ladies whom I've never met, nor have had relations with of ANY kind. I swear on a stack of bibles (& a few periodicals) your honor! Stefany (you'll ALWAYS be my first), Little Isis (shotgun) and the newest blogette, Cate. I'm sure you'll bill me. Do you happen to accept a Sears charge card?


Stefany said...

GASP! New posts! For some reason, my "I enjoy stalking" thing didn't show that you had 2 new posts. Curse that damned gadget!

P.S. *applause* 3 followers! Cheers to you!

But I was the first to find you. So that makes me THAT much more special.

P.P.S. Yes, I wish you could buy me the hat as well!

Stefany said...

P.S. I am in love with Viggo Mortenson. AND, he is going to be in the movie (based off of the book written by No Country For Old Men's author Cormac McCarthy) The Road. I am so excited! Even though I haven't read the book... but I like his writing style and plan on reading it soon...

Have you seen Eastern Promises? Mafia film with Viggo. He looks fantastic in the film with his tattoos and slick hair. Naomi Watts is in the film as well...
I think I'll watch the film again tonight and look forward to the sauna scene (see the film...)

Also, I left another comment on your other post!