Wednesday, December 17, 2008

DATELINE NJ: Global Warming

What's with this weather?!

I have no idea what the weather's been like where you are, but here in New Jersey the end is apparently nigh!

One day it was sixty five degrees, and the next in the mid-thirties. That was followed by a very balmy windy day heralding the coming rain storm. Yesterday it grew cold once more, and the snow began to fall. It was beautiful! It felt like Christmas, helping to lift my spirits as I attended a Christmas party.

Following this strange pattern of weather, today it rained erasing any evidence of the magical holiday snowfall..................................sigh.

Sing along with me.............."Oh the weather outside is frightful-very far from being delightful-It's global warming so we're told-snow and rain, rain and snow, hot and cold."



Stefany said...

Yeah, Cleveland is a lot like that right now. A lot of rain and grey skies. About 30 degrees right now.

Last week, it was in the 50's.

Then last night, there was practically a snow storm.

Now today, it melted and there are puddles everywhere.

Ohio is known for weather like this.

Sigh, it's so gloomy outside!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Ohio's ALWAYS gloomy! Is Ohio even a real place?


Unknown said...

I don't think anyone is getting the weather they're supposed to be getting. We had a couple of those balmy warm days surrounded by cold days. I saw a picture earlier this week that showed a nationwide map almost entirely covered in a big cloud. Perhaps it's hiding an evil weather machine?