Monday, April 20, 2009

Bang the Drum Slowly

After months & months of going NOWHERE, my band Playback will be playing our first 2 gigs. Our first is at a modest sized club, Crossroads, a few towns over. We'll be playing this Friday night from 9pm 'til 11pm.

The second gig is downtown at the annual "Spring Fling" (lame name). This is a rain or shine event that takes place in the central business district that's closed off to vehicular traffic for most of the day. We play on the outdoor stage from 2:30pm 'til 3:15 on Sunday.

So here's the problem. After playing together for about 8 or 9 months, about 5 of them seriously, I feel we're not nearly as far along as we should be. We barley have 2 full sets worth of material, & our spotty rehearsing schedule hasn't helped. We've been cramming in as many practises as possible this week to be ready. Sadly I don't feel completely confident.

For Friday nights gig we're either going to have to play very sloooow or turn into a psychedelic jam band of which we are anything but. We do have a 3 song CCR medley that perhaps we can play until the amps blow.

On top of all that, there's been a bit of dissension in the ranks. At this point, it seems to be me & the bass player vs. the two guitarists. Lot's of disagreeing emails flying to & fro these past few days. The bass player & me have top secret conspired meetings where we plot the demise of the other two- heh, heh, heh.

We just have to get through these two gigs, & then we're definitely going to have to rally the troops for a face to face sit down. We'll see what happens. It would be a shame to break-up after only two gigs, but I've been in numerous bands since I was a young'in so there are relatively few surprises.



Stefany said...

Love CCR. Rock it!

Anyway, I'm sure you guys will do fine. I'm happy you found two decent places to play. That's fantastic!

I hate to sound cheesy, but good luck!

AND, I still want to hear your music. Could you try posting a link? Pwetty pwease?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Yes, CCR rocks. My band on the other hand does not.

Yes, that does indeed sound cheesy, however I happen to LOVE cheese despite my lactose intolerance! Tell you what, you bring the cheese, I'll bring the crackers, but NO wine for you! You're too young. We can however make a substitution of grape juice if you'd like.

When there's something good to hear- I'll have you listen.

THANKS for your support! & for that you shall be honored as our 1st groupie! How lucky are you??!!

Stefany said...

Woot, woot! Woot, woot!
I've never been a groupie!

And like I said, I love goat cheese. My grandparents send me some every year STRAIGHT from the hills of Croatia. Mmmm...

Oh, how 'bout Mountain Dew instead of grape juice OR wine? Sure, it won't bring out the taste of the cheese, but it WILL give me a sugar high!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Yes Stef, you're an official groupie of Playback- dress appropriately!

Goat cheese from Croatia?! I hope that's an over-nite delivery! Stinky!!!!

Stef, I think you're quite high enough young lady!