Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Whos Down in Whoville...

To continue kicking the "FMB-CDT-RHI-BF-FLU"* dead horse, I bring you further terribly terrifying updates to curdle your cream!

The Geneva-based World Health Organization sounded it's own ominous alarm, raising it's (un)alert level to 1 notch below a FULL-FLEDGED global pandemic. Said "WHO" director-general Margaret Chan: "It's really all of humanity that is under threat during a pandemic."

"Who" said that?!......Exactly.

No horses were harmed in any way for or during this blog post!

*Please refer a few posts down so you know what the heck I'm talking about!

There is an actual hotline number available to those of you overly concerned like your humble blogger. 1-866-321-9571

Yes it's real! No it's not what you think it might be! ;^)


Stefany said...

If I hear ONE more thing about the swine flu, I think I'm gonna... gonna...


And that is NOT from stuffing my face with the macaroni I ate for dinner.

*is stuffed*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

I know-I know. I've got to let it go, but it haunts me.

Mmmmm Macaroni! What about the cheeze louise?!

Zany said... - Thought you might like this link. And, I am with you about the swine flue freak out.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

THANK YOU Zany! See?, I'm not alone! There's other CRAZY people out there too!

THANKS for your comment Z.