Monday, April 27, 2009

What Do You Mean Tag I'm It?!

Ladies & gentleman, I've been called out! One of my new readers (~VK~) is lookin' for some trouble. Well let me tell you, she's come to the right place! Grrrrr. Wow! I've NEVER been tagged before. At least not as an adult & by a complete stranger to boot! I feel so worldly! Apparently I have to come up with eight things under each heading? That's an unusual number. Oh well, here goes nothin'. Prepare yourselves for what I'd like to call- My Crazy 8's!


1) Moving to LA with VK
2) FINALLY finishing one of my books
3) FINALLY getting published
4) Beginning one of my short films or film shorts (as Stef refers to them)
5) Selling a pitch, story, or screenplay (film or TV show) to a major studio &/or HBO
6) Doing some more recording
7) Traveling more
8) Losing my virginity to the right person, people, groups, or organizations, (before some pig gives me a cold!).
9) Retirement..............aaaaaah *swings slowly back in forth in a hammock*


1) Woke up
2) made a fresh cuppa joe
3) went back to bed
4) read the funny pages- including my favs: "horrorscope", relationship advice, Dear Abbey, circulars, & clipping coupons of course- I can be a thrifty resourceful lad on occasion.
5) went back to bed
6) Showered- (B,B,&H)
7) Rocked outdoor spring festival!
8) Had a VERY nice, relaxing, casual dinner at one of my favorite joints with 2 (yes 2!) lovely ladies!


1) See my mom (Sally) again
2) See Midnight (cat) again
3) Get a grip on this whole love/relationship thing
4) Make the world a better place- at least my world & the satellites hovering around it
5) Be MUCH MORE patient & tolerant (I'm gettin' there-I'm-a gettin' there!)
6) Make more time for & get closer to my family- especially my EVIL twin!
7) Become VK's pool boy
8) Find a hot pump in size 13! I keed-I keed!


1) 1 1/2 cups of coffee
2) Lot's of water
3) Multi-grain roll (so good) with some butter (so bad)
4) some S&P cashews w/dark chocolate covered prune bits- don't knock it 'till ya try it! It's yummy & it keeps me regular! ;^)
5) Protein drink
6) A HUGE glass of OJ w/Lot's of pulp
7) leftovers from last night- including absolutely yummy sweet potato crinkle cut fries w/Cinnamon & sugar lightly sprinkled on top.
8) A hearty bowl of NEW honey flavored (chemical) Kix- kid tested, mom approved! Can't be bad, right?!

Those are my 8's for now. I'm a little sleepy so I'm sure I left some good stuff off the list- I guess there's always part II!


vixen kitten said...


Waaaaay to early to be snorting protein shake while laughing, at the computer screen!

Size 13....NOOOOOOO problem! Have I got the store for you!

I'd love a pool boy. Will you do the lawn too? Yes, I will pay extra for that. :)

Whooo hoooo. You're coming to L.A. with me? Great, now I don't have to trust movers. I have someone to help me schlep my belongings into my new home!

I loved your answers! I didn't know you had a film short. I wanna see. Please?


C. Louis Wolfe said...

THANK YOU for tagging me VK-Was it good for you? *rolls over & goes to sleep*- Don't read into that kids.

Dontcha hate it when you laugh so hard stuff shoots out your nose like a fountain? SORRY 'bout your computer screen! You'd better get a tech over there pronto- you can bill me as long as it's under $2.50

The shoes are gonna have to wait, as it appears I'm a bit short 'til Thursday- not only that, but now I'm gonna havta find a new outfit & handbag to match- boy, this is gonna get expensive!

I'm in!, however I can't swim- OK I can doggy paddle (w/SP). Cut your lawn? uh-oh. Is this becoming an adults only blog- SORRY readers perhaps I'm reading into things. Yes I can cut the grass, but you'll have to pay extra as I have hay-fever.

LA's a crazy place- sure you really wanna go there? I preferred Northern (sp?) "where the girls were warm" & the people much more grounded. Schlep your belongings? Just one more woman who wants to use me for my brawn- instead of my looks or smarts...sigh

You can see my shorts, er, I mean one of my short films as soon as I make it, however Stef gets 1st viewing- don't take it personally- she was my 1st- regular commenter of course! What were y'all thinkin'?!

Those comments are as long-winded as most of my posts!

tia-juana said...

Mind your words, there, wolf!

And how can you think of moving to LA when you've only just met? I'm heart-broken (again).

Stefany said...

Your're getting published??? Congrats!

(I need to start writing my ghost story... and I need to start painting again... and I need to clean my fish tank...)

And what kind of screenplay/idea would you pitch to HBO?

Sigh... Why is HBO so damn expensive?

Also, LA? With someone you've never met? You need to control your hormones...!
As for myself, I think I'm more San Fran...

Lastly, I'm pretty stoked that I get first viewing of your film short/ short film!

Exactly! What WAS she thinkin'?!

I shall always be your #1 groupie!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

I'm SORRY Tia- you know how I get sometimes. Someone reel me in quick like!

Don't worry, VK decided she didn't want me. LA won't have me either. I guess it's gonna be NJ & ME!- Perfect together as the old state slogan went.

Mend that heart of yours. You're a good egg- a little cracked, but a good egg. Hey, let's make an omelet!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

NO-NO-NO Stef! It was under the heading of 8 things I'm looking forward to. I'll leave it up to fate, but I should "prolly" (VK) get up off my LAZY @$$!

You NEED to do a lot of things Zetz! Now stop talkin' 'bout it & get off your own lazy @$$. It'll happen when it happens, & when your ready for it to happen- so getz ready girl!

My pitches, stories, & other crap would take too long to type out. Perhaps one day we'll actually speak more than the written word & I'll tell ya ALL about 'em!

LA? No. Just funnin' ya, although stranger things HAVE been known to happen from time to time.

VK's no stranger! We've known each other for YEARS! I've just never mentioned it on FLAST for fear I'd loose my female fan base of which I've grown quite fond of! VK & me have lived together on & off for a long time. She just doesn't seem to know what she wants- She's a restless soul! NO ONE or nothing can bound her or hold her down!

PLEASE don't mention ANY of this to her because she has absolutely NO idea! ;-)

Ladies-ladies NO cat fights! There's plenty of me to go around, but be careful Zetz, she is a kitten so she has a bit of an edge. Quick, distract her w/a ball of yarn whilst you make your escape!

Stefany said...

Huzza for long comments!

*Why have I been saying "Huzza" lately?*

I know you're just "funnin" me, Wolfe. Jersey's got a hold of ya, as does Cleveland for me. I WILL move out of here one day though, dammit!

And I have time for my dreams and goals... WAIT, what dreams and goals?! Shoot... Too bad I have no talents.

Huzza for pessimists!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Don't make me come over there Stefany- what you need is a hard lovin' smack to da head!

Huzza yo'self, tho I'm not sure that's how you spell it? Get to work on that as well!