Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thinkable Thoughts

"History would be an excellent thing if only it were true."

-Leo Tolstoy
Russian author (1828-1910)

I wholeheartedly concur Mr.T!


Anonymous said...

Hey Louis! Thank you for dropping by my blog today! I appreciate your comment as well.
I agree with Mr. T Just recently I heard a news story about how our history books are filled with false information, or just inaccurate info. These are the same books they are teaching our children about our history in the schools. Why don't human beings understand that just because we re-write history doesn't make it so?
take care my new friend,
Julian :)

Will said...

The winners write the history!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hi Julian-
So true! Say you have 5 people watching the same event. You'll most likely have 5 different vantage points as well as points of view or interpretations of said event..........or not.

PS- Julian don't be a hopeless believer, be a believer-believer! ;^)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Will, dude- what about the losers?!

Wandering Appalachian said...

If only history were true...or weren't in some cases.

Gingerspark said...

Dear Mr. Tolstoy,

I wish more of History wasn't true...

hugs and kisses,

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hey Gwennie- I agree, as usual! :-)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hello Nariane- aka "me",
THANKS so much for your comment. Feel free to stop by FLAST anytime & often, where I most likely will thrill you w/brilliant posts about NOTHING! ;^)

Lyn said...

Generally my reality involves playing with the truth.. a little nip here, a little tuck there!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Lyn- THANKS for commenting, it's nice you dropped by. I'm all for the truth, although it can tend to be boring. I like to spice it up a bit as well. Keeps things creative & usually interesting.