Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Well Played Sir!

Most folks who have nothing better to do, & find themselves perusing FLAST somewhat regularly, know that I LOVE to stalk the halls, alleyways, highways, & byways where I work, searching for unsuspecting victims to jump out at, thusly scarin' the beejeebers outa them. Love it, L-O-V-E IT!

Well my loyal friends & part time enemies, today the tables have been gleefully turned against me! Be forewarned the following is not for the fragile nor faint of heart. I always seem to have the upper hand in scaring the heck out of my immediate ADHA laden supervisor. He's always so distracted that he doesn't think to look for me hiding in the ceiling tiles, making him easy prey.

As I stroll down the lonely gloomy poorly lit hallways of work, I'm almost always constantly aware of a potential ambush which never seems to come, or is quickly thwarted by my slick offensive & defensive sweet ninja skills! Today was another matter entirely. I had made it safely through the labyrinth & into my office when out from behind some computer servers leaps my boss, foaming at the mouth & eyes rolled waaay back in his noggin! I'll admit to having been a bit startled, with a mild shake that lasted a few seconds. His face was bright red & he was filled with such glee as he skipped out of my office & into the hallway. He was soooo proud & taken with himself. OK, well played sir- I'll give ya that one, but paybacks can be a bitch & I'm one of the biggest.

I should probably go change my shorts now.


Stefany said...

I will keep in mind to NEVER be in any trouble in New Jersey...

If I do find myself in danger, I'll make sure to call the mature and responsible fire department!

P.S. Got my "tag" post up...

C. Louis Wolfe said...

fire dept.?! You mean the guys who get payed as much as us?! The guys who sleep & eat most of the time w/o getting in trouble?! The guys who are safe & snug in their little fire houses whilst we're ALWAYS on the streets & 1st responders to almost EVERY call? Oh, you mean THOSE guys.

OK, now that that's out of my system (for now) I'm feeling a bit (just a bit) better. Pick your battles carefully my dear. ;^]~

Why would you find yourself in danger, danger grrrl?. That's right Zetz, stay out of NJ, we're BIG trouble!

"mature and responsible fire department!"....nah.

Looking forward to your "tag" post. From VK to me to you! I'm just glad the heat's off ME. :^)

vixen kitten said...

Geez, all kinds of wordy about the scare game, and one line about the shorts.

I wanna know more about the shorts.


PS Good morning. :)

Stefany said...

Oh, you know I kid. And I'm not THAT dangerous. My only crime has been sneaking out onto the beach when the sun goes down... *wild thing, you make my heart sing, you make everything- groovy*

But I guess the fire department isn't much better...

You guys are all corrupt anyways!

Kidding, kidding... Or am I?

P.S. I've heard enough about your undergarments...! Enough already!

Gingerspark said...



C. Louis Wolfe said...

VK- I must be short "about the shorts" & so I shall. Was that short enough? I suppose it could have been shorter, however I refuse to wear short-shorts, especially in the winter. Perhaps "daisy dukes"?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef, EVERYONE's corrupt but me! I'm innocent I tell ya! *he screams as he's dragged away by the authorities!*

Undergarments? UNDERGARMENTS?! Does anyone actually say that anymore?! Can we talk about my Underoos then,P-L-E-A-S-E?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

There you are Nariane- I've been looking ALL over for you!

Finally someone who recognizes & understands my all-encompassing & overwhelming AWESOMNESS- How very keen & insightful you are- Oh look, you're on the list- you can come in! The rest of you will have to stay behind the red velvet rope!

Stefany said...

I told you I was an old soul...

*walks to corner of room and pouts*

Stefany said...

And the answer to you question is:


C. Louis Wolfe said...

My question to you young lady is this- Do old souls wear underwear, if at all? Wait, don't answer that. Let's keep it a mystery. It's none of my bees-wax anyway.

I'd like to know who started that silly saying!