Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What's Cooking in the Kitchen?!

I'm back to perpetuate the thrills & fears of the new Flying Monkey Butt-Cat Dog Tail-Rhinoceros-Bacon Fat Flu. As I obsessively obsess over this new found end-of-the-world calamity, I got to thinking, what about all our Mexican friends (legal or otherwise) that toil in our nations kitchens for mere pennies on the dollar?

Where I secretly reside, I'd say a good (or bad based on perspective) 97 1/2% of the kitchen workers are former Mexican diplomats who are pursuing "the American Dream" (or nightmare, again based on your particular perspective).

Yikes, I may actually lose some weight! I'd better ca$h in on this potentially new diet craze! I'll call it the "FMB-CDT-RHI-BF-Flu Super Duper Pooper Diet Guaranteed Weight Loss Solution Substitution!" Get my publisher on the phone! I'm gonna be rich beyond my wildest dreams for crap sake!

Oh, please pass the bacon- I'm hungry!


Stefany said...

It's not like the Mexican's working in our restaurants have the flu in their blood stream or something... The majority of them have probably been here for a while.

Will said...

Yea man... This whole swine-bird-man-bear-pig flu really doesn't worry me too much.

If it was truly as contagious as they think it is... wouldn't it be everywhere by now?

I totally love how the media is making it seem like the apocalypse.

Uh oh... I gotsa cough... Oh dear

And do be careful up there mister... wouldn't wanna see ya get sick!

vixen kitten said...

Hey...I wrapped my house in silver foil to keep the virus away...didn't you?

Whatcha waiting for....GOOOOO. Do it now, before you're hacking up a lung or somthing.

Sheesh. What does a virsu have to do to get taken seriously these days?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

True Stef True, But they have lot's & lot's of friends & relatives! :-)

What do you mean by "they"?

FLAST is a ltd. PC blog, so watch yer step & mind your manners!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Willie-boy, GOOD to hear from you, it's a rarity!

I'm SORRY you're suddenly not feeling so well- OK boys, take him out behind the barn & take care-a him!

Will, I see by your pic you're STILL drinkin' the same lame skunky beer my brutha! Mayhaps it's time to lay off the suds for a while, no?

Oh, that's only root beer? OK, that's cool then. ;^)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Well-well-well VK, what can I say? Graced again by your bewitching grace & beauty.

How was that? 5 bucks please & this time make sure it's US currency- NOT Euros!

Wait, what kinda virus we talkin' 'bout here?

Stefany said...

Hey, man! I don't judge! What's wrong with saying Mexican? You can call me a Croat (pronounced crow-at) if you wish.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef, that's nothing to crow at or about, silly, silly girl.

Stefany said...

Well, ya told me to mind my manners about THIS, you told me about swearing when I CLEARLY bleeped myself out...!!!

I don't know what to do anymore!

You're a changed man, I tell ya!

*shakes fist*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hey VK, was I supposed to wrap my house in foil? Duh! I wrapped my head in it & now I can't see a thing- for craps sake!

Well, at least the UFO's won't find me & hopefully all the yelling in my head will stop......or not

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stop shakin' your damn Croat fist at me Stef! The ONLY thing I changed today was my underwear!- hey it's been a while. Surprisingly they used to actually be white. :-(

Stefany said...

*shakes head whilst rolling eyes*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Roll your eyes & shake your meat hooks at me all you want Stef, that's me story & I'm stickin' to it like an old piece of gum, fun tac & super glue- kinda messy though.