Tuesday, April 28, 2009

WEIRD but is it really TRUE?!

File this under- I get the point!

A Serbian union official from Belgrade chopped off his finger & ate it in a protest over wages that in some cases have not been paid in years, said he did it to show how desperate he & other workers were.

"We, the workers have nothing to eat, we had to seek some alternative food & I gave them an example," Zoran Bulatovic said yesterday. "It hurt like hell."

Really Zoran?! Don't mess with the Zoran! Oh, please pass the finger sandwiches, I'm hungry! ;-0


Stefany said...

BWAH, Serbians (that dudes last name sounds a bit like mine... argh).

Serbians and Croatians are like Vampires and Werewolves... Damn war.

Anyway, I just saw the film, You Don't Mess with the Zohan, yesterday. WEIRDEST MOVIE EVER. The first half was funnier... but I dunno. Couldn't get into it *meh*

Rob Schneider is a riot, though!

Stefany said...

P.S. Got a new post up! Mostly pics...

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Even though you actually watched that movie, I'll still be your friend- albeit from a distance! ;^)

The werewolves will ALWAYS win! I'm quite fond & particular of wolves myself!

Thanks for the heads up Zetz- I'll have to have a gander & a looksee.

Stefany said...

Hey, I was curious! Sue me!

By the way, I commented on your Monday post AND your comment on my pic post...

*Eek, being tagged!*

Well, enjoy work... Say hi to the Chief for me!

*I know you're reading this there*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Oh, I'd sue ya Zetz if I could afford an attorney- Perhaps a public defender. Prepare to recieve some legal papers young lady!

I will henceforth attempt to locate thine commentos.

Yes, TAGGED my pet! Now get a movin' & a shakin'!

Who? What? Where?! I have absolutely NO idea what you 'talkin' 'bout Willis!
Throw me undda da bus why doncha! SHEESH!