Monday, April 20, 2009

The Target Incident (or, how NOT to replace a lightbulb!)

One recent deep dark velvety night, I awoke to the sweet gentle calling of the wild. OK, so I had to pee, but that doesn't sound as romantic, does it?! As I stumbled (literally) through my apartment in a sleepy (non purple) haze, I realized my nightlight was out. I wondered if the bulb had simply blown or perhaps there was a frightening conspiracy afoot being perpetrated by the monsters under my bed.

Despite my fears, I was too tired to do anything about it, choosing to wait until the safety of daylight. I returned to bed with my glass of milk, checked under the bed & inside the closet, & eventually fell back to sleep. With the glory of a bright & beautiful brand new day, (actually it was raining) I gulped my morning joe, showered & shaved, & I was off to pick up a new bulb & some other stuff at Target.

Well, almost. Whilst sitting in the ol' Element (clown car) I was mentally checking off things in my head so I didn't forget anything. Car-check, keys-check, list-check, coupons 'cause I'm cheap-check, Chinese throwing stars-check, pants-oops! After a wardrobe correction I was off.

I'm a man & I love Target!- I'm not ashamed to admit it. I've been to the Wednesday meetings, have you?! I had brought the blown bulb along for shopping reference. Now most anyone would have kept it in their pocket, but NOT me. No, I was carrying it around the store in my hand. After picking up a few unnecessary items, I realized I would probably be better off with a cart. I located one, & as I grabbed the cart handle, C-R-U-N-C-H! Yup, you guessed it, the bulb in my hand shattered into a billion little pieces!

Oh no. I was afraid to look. I sloowly opened my hand to survey the damage. Like a beautiful snowfall on Christmas morning, those tiny shards were sticking into my hand like shiny holiday glitter, but that's NOT the best part. The filament or middle of the bulb-part-thingie was embedded into the center of my palm. And then came the blood. Drip-drip-drip, all over Targets shiny floor!

After deciding not to faint which could be construed by some to be unmanly, I decided to head to the pharmacy as that seemed to make the most sense in the throws of my medical crisis. If you wanted to find me you wouldn't need bread crumbs nor the yellow brick road. All you'd need to do was follow the crimson red droplets of my dwindling life force that dotted the floor like an ADHD connect-the-dots.

I arrived at the pharmacy counter with a pale countenance & with a faint quiet plea I asked if they had a surgeon on staff for emergency suturing, or at least a Band-Aid or three. My gentle desperate cry was met with a indifferent, WHAT? No medical supplies or first aid kit for scenarios like mine?! You mean I'd actually have to buy a box of Band-Aids for just one or two?! Um...yeah.

Don't panic!, I repeated over & over to myself like some bad yoga mantra. With my mind spinning like a carousel from Dante's inferno, I quickly made my way to the men's bathroom which was...locked?! Mustering up whatever bravery existed in my body, (apparently only my pinkie finger) I invaded the ladies room after announcing myself of course.

There I pulled the metal & wire splinter from the palm of my hand, & cleansed my wound. I wrapped my injured paw in paper towels to stem the flow of blood & decided I may as well pick up what I came for. As I was about to leave, a woman entered. She was a very large & mean spirited looking woman. She sized me up while giving me the stink eye. I excused myself & fled hoping she wouldn't call security!

As quickly as I could, I completed my shopping & drove myself to the nearest hospital. Actually I just drove home crying like a baby. Once there I cleaned myself off & applied my own (free!) Band-Aid.

So ladies & gentleman-including kids of all ages, that is my silly tale of woe as could only happen to me! There is no moral to this story. In fact there are absolutely NO morals involved! I survived & I'm still standing to share this tale with you. Thank you & good night!

PS- If you enjoyed this humble post about self mutilation, you'll probably enjoy a similar one from long ago entitled "The CVS Incident".

Kids PLEASE don't try this at home!


Stefany said...

That reminds me of an incident at school where a friend of mine (dumb ass Ian) took an old light bulb from me during art and wanted to see if he could crush it... Which he did. *Sigh*

Oh, Wolfe. Your writing amuses me so. I bet you took a good while to type this thing up... Dantes Inferno AND boogie monsters? Impressive!

Be careful next time! And stop being a TARGET for disaster.

P.S. I changed the look of my blog and have a new post.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

I agree Stef, Ian was (& still is?) a DA!

THANKS for your kind words Stefany. I do in fact live to amuse you. :-)

Clever girl. "Target for disaster." I get it, although I think I'm more of a bullseye. The other day someone pinned a "kick me please" sign to my butt. That was kinda mean, but funny too!

I will check out your NEW look. Mine will probably never change. How many men do you know that change their hairstyle? Women seem to do it every few hours.

tia-juana said...

ooouuuccchh and yuk! Wish I could have been there to bandage you up! Shame on Target for not having an EMS crew standing by.

Unknown said...

A pharmacy that has pills galore but no band-aids? They should be ashamed of themselves!

I think you should add band-aids to your list of things to remember to have with you at all times.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Yes Tia- Where were you?!

Probably in the return line whilst I'm bleeding to death! & no you can't have my TV! ;-)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Yes Cate- SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on them! I may have to take my business to Wal-Mart!

My lists are so long already! I think I've killed enough trees.
*hangs head in silent shame*

tia-juana said...

Yes, one of the best things about Target is their easy returns. And it's also a great way to kill a few hours - not to mention blow about $100 a trip!

But why would I want your t.v.? You are perplexing!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Correct Tia-
Seems I go in there for only 1 or 2 things & I leave w/5 or 6 & close to $100 smackers lighter. I don't get that place. I think they may be pumping something through the air ducts that confuse you into buying crap you don't need!

Also, carefully listen to the music playing. If you pay close attention you can hear strange whispers under the melody. I swear it sounded like a weird chant or mantra that repeated- "buy lot's of useless crap"!

As far as the TV reference, I just meant after I bled to death you might want one of my expensive possessions.

Anonymous said...

damn. and also ow. that's even more epic than the time i sliced off the very tip of my toe with an EXTREMELY sharp door.

vixen kitten said...

Ok, I confess, this had me laughing. Not at your ummmm...misfortune, just at the way you described.

We all have our blonde moments. :)


C. Louis Wolfe said...

I'm not sure IF! I happen to think you've got me waaay beat, but let's not start a competition! ;^)~

C. Louis Wolfe said...

VK- You're laughing at me?! LAUGHING AT ME??!! Usually people get to know me a bit better before they laugh at me- oh I seeeee, you're laughing WITH me. Wait, I'm not laughing. ;^(