Thursday, April 30, 2009

And Then He Wasn't...

Recently a 36-year-old man was killed in town. He was a pedestrian standing on the sidewalk, minding his own business, when a car operated by a 65-year-old female jumped the curb, striking him. The impact sent him across the intersection as the woman's car collided with another vehicle which was stopped. The accident is still under investigation, & it's unknown why it occurred. A toxicology report is currently pending.

The deceased was a well liked resident of town. I happen to know his former roommate well. The few times I've seen the roommate, he's been wandering around with a blank look on his face. I saw him at the grocery store where I offered my sincere condolences. He was standing there staring at the shelves of food. From what I know of him, & what I've seen, it's quite obvious they were more than roommates. I feel sad for him. I know the feelings of loss much better than I'd like to.

Sadly in my career, I've witnessed my fair share of these incidents. I recall a similar accident about 7 years ago. It was just a little over a week before Christmas, & an older female employee of a local department store had just finished work & was crossing the roadway, carrying presents, when she was struck & killed by a male driver in his 20's who was found with a cds (controlled dangerous substance) & paraphernalia in his car.

In a terribly tragic fate of irony, a week later, on the same roadway about a mile opposite of where the other woman was struck & killed, another woman crossing the road at almost the same time was struck by a car & killed as well.

What's the point of this post? I'm not sure. It's certainly NOT meant to depress you- that is far from my intent. Considering the most recent tragedy got me thinking about the other two. All occurring on the same stretch of road. You just never know do you.

One day you or a loved one are here, & then you're not.
Tell someone you care about you love them.


vixen kitten said...

That is the motto I live by daily.

Never let an I love you go unsaid.

Wonderful post, PDL. :)


C. Louis Wolfe said...


Polish Disorder Legion?
Possible Drug Lapse?
Potential Duck Love?
Partially Destroyed Lemmings?
Politicly Deficient Loser?
Properly Deducted Lunacy?
Puppy Doo-doo Little?


You know I could go on & on Ms. Kitty!
THANKS for all your comments- you're rackin' up the points kid!

Stefany said...

I still take comfort in knowing that we all die...

Nothing is permanent. Just the way I like it!

*is done with commenting on all my comment-less posts!*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Look Edgar Allan Po'ess- You're so obsessed w/death, but I'm the old guy livin' in the cemetery- SHEESH!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

PS- My blog is permanent Stef. It will outlive us ALL!