Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Close Encounters

The sixth man to walk on the moon, former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, says we are NOT alone in the universe. Mitchell, who took part in the 1971 Apollo 14 lunar mission, is certain aliens exist, a fact the US & other nations are covering up.

Mitchell made the claim at a news conference in Washington following the 5th annual X-Conference, a meeting of UFO enthusiasts & researchers. CNN quoted Mitchell as saying that mankind has long wondered if we're "alone in the universe. But only in our period do we really have evidence."

He added, "I urge those who are doubtful: read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited."

- Andy Geller (NY Post)
Edited by me because people keep complaining my posts are TOO LONG!

OK, Edgar. Interesting statements, but you're still not telling or showing this supposed proof of ET life in or out of our world. It doesn't say how old Mitchell is- perhaps he's grown a bit long in the tooth, if you know what I mean. So Mr. Mitchell, put your money where your mouth is &- show me da money my friend. I'd like to think that ET's & UFOs exist. I'd like to think we're not alone unless these otherworldly species want to annihilate us poor earthlings.

GAK-GAK-GAK! Take us to your leader!- Mars attacks (film reference).


Stefany said...

I did a school paper for my senior year of high school about ET's (there was controversy involved with me choosing that topic...). If I could FIND the damn thing, I would fill you in on all the interesting info...

But I do recall there being some "secret" video footage of UFO's in outer space... Armstrong even admitted to it.

GAH! Where is that paper...?

Anywho, do YOU believe in aliens? I sure do...

Stefany said...

By the way, Close Encounters of the Third Kind was a GREAT film!

Hmm, where has Richard Dreyfuss been lately? I think I saw him in the re-make of Poseidon a few years back... but I could be wrong.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Yes Stef, find that paper! I'm very interested.

Of course I believe in aliens- I've actually seen some working at local restaurants & tending to people's lawns. I didn't realize how many there were & in plain sight. I thought it was 'sposed to be some BIG conspiracy cover-up?! Who woulda thought? ;-)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Love CE3K! You should see it in all it's Blue Ray splendor!

Poseidon re-make, meh!!!
Stick w/the original! GREAT fun flick! A classic even.

Last I saw Dry-face he was playing a supporting role in "W".

Stefany said...

Hey, I LIVE with aliens!

Also, yeah I saw the original Poseidon Adventure (I agree, MUCH better) starring Gene Hackman and the QUITE chubby Shelley Winters-- By the way, have you seen Night of the Hunter starring her and Robert Mitchum? I enjoyed that flick... BUT YOU MUST SEE A Place in the Sun starring Winters, Liz Taylor, and Monty Clift... One of my favorites.

Oh, and I didn't bother to see W.-- I'll wait a few years to find any of that laughable.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Not only do you LIVE w/them Stef, there's always Fabian!

I'll have to check out APITS one day- surprisingly I've NEVER seen it.

vixen kitten said...

I believe it. I don't need any proof!


C. Louis Wolfe said...

Good to see you again ~VK~!
I do believe you mean what you say- what w/those ALL seeing eyes of yours!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I read an article about this! Interesting, that... I personally think the universe is much too big for us to be entirely alone in it, but I don't know if Roswell is proof of that. After all, if I was an alien, I would take one look at those crazy humans and zoom the other way. Still, not knowing all the facts, I'm withholding judgment.