Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Do You Believe in Angels?

I do. Who knows who that stranger may be standing next to you. The one you may help with a small favor, or the one who just happens to be there when you need help or are in trouble.

I pulled into my driveway after the funeral to grab a quick bite to eat before returning to work. I saw a mini van type vehicle parked on the side of the road in front of where I live. It was an older couple. As I passed by the man approached me, telling me he had run out of gas, and could I tell him where the closest gas station was.

I asked him if he intended to walk there as it was about a mile or so away on the border of the next town. I was really hungry and wanted to check my mail/email and stuff. I wanted to be selfish, but if it were me, I'd like someone to help. I grabbed a gas can from the barn around back and gave him a ride to the Shell station. I can't recall his name, but he seemed very friendly, and spoke with a slight accent. I guessed German and was correct. Hooray for me! He told me he and his wife, (who was Asian) were from Canada and were visiting family in the area.

I dropped him back at his vehicle. He and his wife thanked me, but as I turned around both of them and the car were gone. I didn't even hear it drive away. They couldn't have left so quickly. The hair on my arms, for the lack there of on my head, stood up. I got a little shaky...............................

OK...................ya got me. That last part was complete and utter horse shit! The rest of it was TRUE though. I'm not sayin' they were angels but ya never know. I'd much rather help an angel than a demon. I'm not inferring that we help people just because there's the possibility they could actually be an angel, and may smite us if we don't help. I'm just sayin'..............

It was a good day. The weather was nice. I got to say good buy to Mrs. Shropshire, and remember Martha. Hey I even got to help some old German dude from Canada, and his Asian wife. Yes. I do believe in angels. Now beat it you jackass!


Stefany said...

Sorry to hear about Mrs. S and Martha. I'm sure they will be watching and protecting you (and turning away when necessary).
As for the angel thing, I've been having some paranormal activity in this house. I have an old tennis racket in my room (I have so many random things in my room) that leans against the wall by my fish tank. It fell from there twice. I was just standing there, not moving, and it fell. It slide down the wall very slowly and scared the hell out of me. Another time, I was home alone and I heard a huge thud. I actually thought the tank fell over! But, again, it was the racket. Then this morning when I was sitting on my bed (racket now onto the floor, still leaning)I watched it slowly glide again. Out of the blue. That scared the hell out of my cat.
By the way, you love Pushing Daisies! Amazing show! I posted about it a week or 2 ago. Dunno if you read it or not. Anyway, the show makes me really want to find my childhood friend, Vinny (who I also did a post on).

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hey Stef-

Thanks. Your sweet for a girl. Sounds like the ghosts are making quite a racket, (get it?!-How clever of me!) over there. As I think your already aware, I dig the paranormal stuff. Especially living so close to a cemetery. Thanks for the cool stories.

PD! I read the 1st ep. of the new season is on tonight. I may have to check it out. Otherwise, like I said, I'm gonna have ta wait almost a year for the DVD set.

Thanks again for reading my blog & leaving comments. It means a lot. You seem cool for a youngin'!

PS- If you've seen that show Ghost Hunters, on the Sci-Fi channel, I work w/"Tangos" brother.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Maybe a dead relative or the ghost of a former pro tennis player wants to volley. Or perhaps your fish are swiming into the side of their tank really hard because they want you to teach them how to play tennis? What do I know? Jus' puttin' it out there.