Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Have a Winner!- Historically Speaking

I've always been on the fence about politics and politicians in general. On the one hand I understand their place. On the other hand I'm somewhat leary, weary, and distrustful of them as well as the government they serve. However, I try to stay optimistic despite being a self labeled; optimistic pessimist.

I'm a registered republican (Boo-Hiss!) although as I've gotten older I've leaned slightly to the democratic side. Does that make me a democratic republican or a republican democrat. I think the first one flows better as written and spoken.

As I've mentioned in an earlier post (see below) I'm not a huge fan of either McCain nor Obama. Obama has won the presidency, and it was pretty clear he would. I would have been very surprised if McCain had won and pulled a major upset. I have to say however I think It's pretty cool that this country has become somewhat open minded and dare I say slightly progressive enough to elect our first black president. I'm not sure if we'll ever see a female president, but at this point it seems anything is possible.

All I know is that the country had grown tired of the "Bush Leagues". We gave the "Bushster" a chance, (two in fact) and he blew it! The people want change. They need change. They demand change, and they have spoken with their votes! We the people are worried. Lately becoming somewhat of a desperate nation. The eyes of the world are upon us.

I hope and pray Mr. Obama is the right choice. I feel for him, and would hate to be him. He's got quite a mess to clean up. We'll give him a chance. We have too much to lose at this point.

Good luck President elect Obama. We wish you well.


Stefany said...

Ugh... Obama.

I do wish him well, though.
For the sake of the country.

Rennie said...
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