Saturday, November 29, 2008

About Last Night............................

Looks like I survived yet another family event. I'm two for two! After having not seen my siblings in nearly four or so years, I've seen them twice, four times if your counting a wake and funeral, in the past several months.

Last nights shindig was the celebration of my older brothers BIG 5-0! It was held outside of Morristown in a VERY swanky joint. It's called the Park Avenue Club, and it sits on a hill, as though better than all the other structures surrounding it. In fact it's almost as though it's raising it's roof in the air as if to say my shingles are better than yours!

The usual suspects were present; my evil twin, my older sister, and of course the birthday boy. Also on hand were their spouses along with my five nephews that I had not seen in many years. My sisters son said he didn't even know who I was. Yikes! I know I'm a bad uncle, but apparently they don't mind as long as I send them their birthday and Christmas cash.

The birthday boys' wife's family was also in attendance, although I don't know them very well. The first thing I did was make a bee-line for the bar. The particular room we occupied was quite large with a fireplace and it's very own bar. Did I mention there was a bar?! I had the nice young chap tending bar make me up a Bloody Mary. This happens to be my drink of choice when I'm actually drinking which I very rarely do.

It takes great skill to concoct this velvety red libation. Rarely is it made well, tasting more like a cheap shrimp cocktail- you know, the one with the microscopic shrimp. I think they're called Sau-Sea if I'm not mistaken. They do, or did sell them at most grocery stores when I was a youngin'. I loved 'em and good 'ol mom always had some on hand.

Basically what you were paying for was a small glass with cocktail sauce inside. It was sealed with a metal cap and I think most everyone rinsed them out when finished to use for many years as a heirloom juice glass. I think we still have my grandmothers set which must be at least ninety years old or more! But I digress.

My older bothers Secretary had made up several posters for the occasion. they were collages with various stolen photographs liberated from Google images no doubt. It was pretty funny to see my brothers head on various famous and not so famous bodies. It was good for a chuckle or four.

Things seemed to be going relatively smooth until I got pulled aside by my evil Twins wife. Apparently they had made up a name placard displaying a name not matching my dates. Oops. Can you say awkward. The table card displaying the name of RJW was quickly disposed of. As much as I would have loved her to be in attendance, alas she was not.

I'm not sure if my date noticed she was the only one without a name card on the table. If she did, she was very diplomatic and did not mention it. The food was for the most part very good. The menu provided was the fix type that gave you a choice of one of three appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Bottles of wine flowed quite freely. I did not partake as I tend to enjoy watching the drunk show, only to remind those in attendance of their comedic behavior when they return to soberdom.

I chose pasta with some kinda olive/eggplant (yuck) mixture for my appetizer. For the main course I chose the strip steak (medium well) which included mashed potatoes (LOVE 'em!) and a small assortment of minuscule mixed vegetables barely detectable to the naked eye. Dessert however ROCKED! We had a choice between chocolate molten cake or a Cinnamon apple tart which was actually like a small pie crumb cake kinda thing. I love almost anything Cinnamon so of course I chose the apple tart. I tried a bit of the molten cake, and while it was good, mine was better!

After a few speeches, (not from me) and some small talk mixed with some kid quarrels the night was over. All in all it went fine. I'm glad I had that drink to start off with. Booze makes almost anyone tolerable! I think my date had a nice time although she said she never wanted to see me again. I think she was kidding, wasn't she?!

Bartender, give me a Bloody Mary on the rocks! In fact, make it a triple! I'm visiting with my family. Oh, and forget the celery and don't scrimp on the olives my good man.


Stefany said...

Ugh... I'm remembering my awful experience with drunk family friends and an UNCLE who didn't recognize me. Correction... no one recognized me at our little family affair. Well, I hadn't seen them since my cousins wedding in '04.

But I DON'T CARE. Maine is my mission. Hopefully not Mission Impossible 1,2, and 3.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Always glad to see a lovely new pic of Miss Stefany- even though she has absolutely NO idea what the infamous C. Louis Wolfe looks like. Perhaps one day. I fear you may become overwhelmed by my beauty!

So why maine, aside from it's obvious beauty.

tia-juana said...

I wonder what makes him your evil twin?
Very glad to hear that you saw your family socially again - big step for you I think.

reading, reading reading.. will you see this comment?