I named this blog after a book of poems and/or short stories I had hoped to one day write. Who knows if and when that may happen. I hope it does. In the meantime, I have this blog.
I had some difficulty choosing titles. The others that appealed to me were; "The Insomniacs Lament" and "Defying Gravity". I also briefly considered naming it "The Bitch Blog" as I was recently reminded that I tend to complain. Hey, where else better to do that then a blog for crap sakes!
blog discription:
Brain activity that occasionally flows through my body, into my arms, and down into my hands. These instruments of doom (slowly) type words that hopefully may, or may not, touch your heart, or at least make you think without causing a headache.
If in fact that does not occur, please forward all calls and complaints to management, who rarely answers the phone, and most likely doesn't care. Thank you for your perceived understanding.
Finally, all words, thoughts, and deeds are protected/copyrighted somewhere in Washington D.C. If you abuse said rights, I'll most likely sue your ass if I'm able to locate it. I may possibly leave the rest of your body alone....................or will I?
P.S.- Said creative writer removes himself from all responsibilty for each and every spelling and grammatical error found within the blog you'll probably never read. Again, thank you for your hopeful understanding.
I'm a SWM, rapidly approaching middle age, also known as "manopause". Born to parents I never knew. I've recently become aware that I am one of six twins, scattered throughout the world. I'm damn good looking for my age, and live like a king! Destined to die alone, unless I'm able to finally find a woman unstable enough to deal with my stuff. Including some issues, back issues, and a somewhat lightweight carry on, that now costs $15.00 if you want to check it!
Interesting... Don't have anything witty to say about that, sorry.
I'm at a loss myself- I got nothin'!
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