Tuesday, May 12, 2009

XXXDirty GirlsXXX?!

It's Victoria's dirty little secret.

Most everyone is aware that men can be gross, icky, and be utterly infested with cooties, however a new survey shows women can harbor many similar traits! Through a recent survey of 1,000 women, conducted by Glamour Magazine and analyzed by the authors of "Let's Play Doctor", it was found that 75 percent of them have urinated in the shower.

It was also found they wear dirty clothes, don't brush their teeth at night and don't shower every day. The authors added, "it isn't really gross to pee in the shower, unless you have an infection, as urine is sterile and non-toxic."

The survey determined that 85 percent of women wear dirty clothes. That apparently isn't so bad if you draw the line at underwear- although 52 percent of those polled admitted that they have worn it dirty. See that, men aren't the only ones who do the "underwear flip"!

A third of the women polled said they don't shower everyday, which doesn't pose a health risk, "but you may keep men at a distance & may clear a row or two at the multiplex," the authors said.

When I was a young lad (too young to be sexist, or at least understand it) I was under the impression that most, if not all girls, were very clean and organized. Sadly over the years that myth has been shattered on numerous occasions, but then there's the whole hypocritical glass house thing.

Hey, I ain't takin' sides here. Don't shoot the messenger! I'm just providin' the soap and towels is all!


vixen kitten said...

Peeing in the shower is a bad thang? Think of it as marking our territory!

*snort* You wolves and your sexual hang ups!

Have a wonderful day filled with fun and espionage! :)


PS. And for the record, I may be a XXX DirtyGirl XXX but it has nothing at all to do with recycling panties! *wink*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

OH BOY! *BLUSH* You sure liven up my blog vk- pushin' it to the limit! That's a good thing. ;^)~

PS- Another *blush* Stop it already!!!!

P-P S- There are another 42 posts awaiting your ris-kay comments. Don't dilly-dally!

Gingerspark said...

They say "anything he can do, she can do better"... apparently this includes being dirty.

I'm just not sure that warrents a whole-hearted "booooooooyeah!!!" but I'll add it anyway.

such accomplishment shouldn't go unsung... or should it?

Anonymous said...

i guess what we learn from this is that EEEWWW! HUMAN BEINGS ARE GROSS!
everybody gots cooties!
i -knew- it. there was a giant government cover-up, but i knew. just watch, the people who did that study are going to vanish mysteriously now. and so am i. and so, because i told you, are you! bwahaha! :D kidding.
...or am i?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hi Nariane,

Look at Adam & Eve. I guess we're all even now & we (men & women) STILL don't understand each other! ;-)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hey YIF- Don't drag me into your web-like guberment conspiracy theory! Wait!, who said that?! Who's there?!

Thanks, now I'm paranoid!