Tuesday, May 12, 2009

T.M.I. Tuesday!

Ladies and germs, once again it's time for my tri-annual (I'll tri almost anything-once!) TMI Tuesday! I can't believe it's been a week already?! Let me tell you, it was such a smash hit that we here at "FLAST" received thousands of emails, texts, post cards, and smoke signals!

I felt is was only fair to bring it back so here we go again. You can ask me one question and I'll try to answer it as honestly as possible- please read the fine print at the end of the contract. It can be personal, invasive, offensive, it can even be really silly, but just ask OK? P-L-E-A-S-E.

Hello? Anyone? Bueller?! *crickets-wind-tumbleweeds rollin' by*


vixen kitten said...

Hmmmm....let me think.

1. Do you ever pee in the shower? *snort* Haaaad to ask!

1b. What about the wind?

2. Do you believe the saying blondes have more fun?

3. What is your favorite meal.

4. Boxers or briefs?

5. What is yor favorite junk food indulgence.

6. Favorite position. Yes, you heard me. Spice this place up a bit, huh!

There, now take a break from all that silly guberment business and answer. Inquiring minds wanna know.


C. Louis Wolfe said...

I said ONE question! :-)

However, since you are ALWAYS a kind, courteous, & reliable commentor, I shall try to satisfy your whims.

1) No, but think about it often.
1b) Only spit. ;-)
2) You tell me. I'll dye what's left of my hair & get back to you.
3) If I had to pick 1 I'd go w/pizza.
4) Boxers to lounge- briefs for support.
5) See #3. Cereal is a close 2nd though.
6) Standing on my head holding a fork, I guess. When I'm feelin' wild- a spoon!

How dat?


Stefany said...

1) Have you ever wanted to truly hurt someone (emotionally or physically), and why.

I think I've been watching too much Dexter... so that's why I ask!

Might as well ask another one while I'm here...

2) If you could travel back to when you were a young YOUNG lad (age 4 or so), what would you tell yourself? Any life lessons? Any kind of guidance?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

I can ALWAYS depend on you & vk for comments & questions & for that I THANK YOU Zetz!

OK, here goes...

1) Hey, I'm only (sub)human. To be honest sometimes I have. I think most of us do. But what makes us civilized & sane is that we (hopefully) don't act on them. EVERYONE is capable of good & evil. Unlike your buddy Dex, I've not yet killed anyone...or have I? Keep readin' the papers & watchin' the news.

2) RUN!!!!!!

Stefany said...

Dammit, Wolfe. Your answers are dull...!

I thought my second question deserved better than a "run" answer.


tia-juana said...

I agree with Stefany. You said you would answer "as honestly as possible." That was a good question - and your answer does not indicate any genuine reflection.

Thomas Phillip said...

you guys are picky!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hi Tia- ALWAYS glad when you visit & take the time to comment. You're missed when you've been gone awhile.

THAT said, why you tryin' to gang up on me w/Stef?! It's a mutiny I tell ya! Torches & pitch forks for EVERYBODY! You'll NEVER take me alive! This is MY blog!!!!! :-O

C. Louis Wolfe said...

To answer your 2nd question Zetz, even though it was kinda a joke (& a funny one at that you MUST admit) "RUN" was pretty much true. There's so MUCH you don't know, of course, but don't worry, I ain't gonna go all Jenny Jones on ya! ;^)~

I would tell myself- without letting myself know who I am of course, 'cause that would eff the whole time continuum thing- that life will be hard & difficult, & it will pretty damn scary, but you're gonna be alright. I promise! And then I'd hug him (me?) real tight!

I'd also add, if he tries real hard he could be as cool as me one day!

How was that? better?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

What do you mean by "you guys",DB?! :-)

Yes, they sure are picky DB. THANKS for stickin' up for me. That'll teach 'em...or not.