Friday, May 22, 2009

* Unfortunate Cookie Friday *

Have you finished your take-out? It's time to finish up with an unhappy ending. Here is yet ANOTHER new exciting feature I'd like to perpetrate upon you, the unsuspecting public. If history repeats itself (as it often does here at FLAST) this will end up in the black hole of posts.

Before cracking open the cookie, let's start off with a brief history of the fortune cookies humble beginnings. There is much controversy and debate as to to where, how, and who invented our favorite edible entertainment.

One history claims the cookie was invented in 1918 by David Jung, a Chinese immigrant living in LA. He was the founder of the Hong Kong Noodle Company. It's said he was motivated to create the cookie by the poor he saw wandering near his shop. He passed out free cookies which contained a strip of paper inside with an inspiring Bible scripture written on it.

Yet another history claims the fortune cookie was invented by a Japanese immigrant named Makoto Nagiwara, who resided in San Fransisco. He was a gardener who designed the famous Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park. He was said to be fired by a anti-Japanese mayor, but later rehired by a new mayor. Grateful to those who supported him during his time of hardship, Hagiwara created the cookie in 1914 which included a thank you note inside it. He passed them out at the Tea Garden who began serving them regularly to customers. In 1915 they were displayed at the San Fransisco's World Fair.

Chinese-Japanese, does it really matter? They're fun, and sometimes even yummy when they're not stale as is often the case. I've even had them dipped in chocolate, YUM!

OK, you go first. What does it say?

* "He who laughs last is laughing at you!" *
- Confucius & confused

Quite often people will add "in bed" to the end of the fortune. Sometimes funny- sometimes not.
- Definitely confused!


Stefany said...

That quote made me laugh... love it!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Of course it did! Umm, you forgot to comment on the other 60 posts! ;^]

Stefany said...

I didn't "forget," I just don't have the time to!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Come on silly Stef, are you saying you don't have time for me?

OK, maybe not so silly...

Wandering Appalachian said...

One of my best friends has a Chinese stepmother who took a box of American fortune cookies to Hong Kong so that she and her family could giggle at them. According to her, they're a Chinese invention, but only Americans put the fortunes in them!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hey Gwennie- Been wonderin' where you've been.

Who knows-you could be right. All I know is what I turned up during my l-a-z-y research. ;^)