Tuesday, May 19, 2009

T.M.I. Tuesday...The End?!

Is it Tuesday again already?! My how time flies when you're having absolutely NO fun. Well guy's 'n gals, despite knowing better, I'm gonna try this again. Why you ask? Well, I don't have an answer for you. Some readers weren't very happy with my answer(s) to their questions(s) from last week. I hope that won't discourage them, or you, from trying again.

For those of you new to the game, feel free to ask me a question and I will eventually answer it in my most witty and unappreciated fashion. It can be about anything, however management refuses to answer any question that may get me tossed off Blogger.

OK, here we go. Don your helmets and goggles and prepare for blastoff.



C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef- I updated my answer to you from last week. Hopefully you'll find it a bit more satisfying...probably not.

Thomas Phillip said...

what was your most nerdy/embarrassing indulgence as a kid?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hey there DB-
I've been enjoying your frequent visits here to FLAST, thanks.

Now on to business...
I'll have to admit I was a HUGE Star Wars (NOT Star Trek) fan/geek. I had ALL the toys, bed sheets, posters, etc. Wish I had them now as they're worth quite a bit. Sadly I sold or gave away most of it.

After that it was Wacky Packs, Pop Rocks, throwing rocks at girls, & pulling cats tails, along w/a few things I can't/won't mention here! ;-o

As for embarrassing, it would probably be MOST, if not all of my childhood.

Unknown said...

I realize this is a day late, but your post only showed up on my Google reader feed this morning, so...

How did you get into the law enforcement gig, and what exactly do you do that you can talk about without having to kill anyone afterward?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hi Cate, THANKS for checkin' in. The questions are comin' fast & furious, but I'll always find the time to answer yours!

The gig came pretty easy actually. I was unsure of what to do after HS, & found myself in a bit of a panic. I'd been accepted at The School of Visual Arts (film program) in NYC, But was not a big fan of school & was looking for a more secure future. I bounced around from job to job until eventually landing a gig as a night security guard at a mental/substance rehab hospital, which was interesting to say the VERY least!

I had put in a notice of intent/interest for a police position at my local PD. They called about an interview, which I had, & was subsequently hired not as a cop, but as a parking enforcement officer which was a much nicer term than meter maid- I refused to wear a skirt as I thought due to my legs, I'd never get hired as a cop! ;-)

After almost a year, I was sent to the academy for 13 weeks of training & here eyez iz! :-)

Not much to tell really- Started out in patrol, eventually worked undercover for the Union Co. Prosecutors Office as a detective assigned to their narcotic strike force. Returned to patrol until I developed & ran our mountain bike patrol unit. Back to patrol until about 5 years ago when I began to work as a plain clothes officer pushin' paperwork & that's where I am until my impending retirement.

I'm still probably (pending budgetary concerns) stay on in a civilian capacity P/T doing the same thing as I do now, which is pretty much NOTHING! ;^)

How'd I do?

PS- I'm still gonna have to kill ya. Watch yer back girlie! :-)

Stefany said...

Oh... shite. I like the TMI Tuesdays, yet it's almost Thursday. Should have checked your blog earlier.

Okay. Have to think of something good... Hmph. Can't think of much. It's late (past midnight). How about...

What would your perfect day be like? Doesn't have to be too extravagant like a trip to Europe or somethin'. Just a perfect Chris Wolfe day.

Stefany said...

P.S. Your job seems like something I would enjoy... I DID want to go into forensics once. I love me some true crime stories. I can watch FBI Files for hours... Okay, I already did that when I went to Florida and was too sun-burned to leave the hotel.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hmmm Stef, seems like that should be a simple question to answer, but it's not. I will however give it the ol' Wolfie try.

Wait, what was the question again?

A perfect day would entail sleeping late & waking up to find me surrounded by beautiful & famous models & actresses. They would then proceed to slowly smother me to death. What an exciting funeral that would make! :-)~

More likely the PD would be FINALLY waking up refreshed & happy, having had the most restful sleep in decades, then spending the rest of a quiet day w/someone I loved & who was VERY special- I guess that would be ME! ;^)

Stefany said...

*virtually smacks you on the head*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Ya know you L-O-V-E me Zetz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

*virtual ouch!*

No doubt a delayed reaction!