Monday, May 18, 2009

What Would Abby Do?!

Sorry kids, couldn't resist this one.

Dear Abby: What is the proper thing to do when one sits on a squeaky seat and the seat makes a noise like someone has passed gas? Your advice?
-It wasn't me

Dear Wasn't Me: In formal situations, everyone should pretend it never happened and the conversation should proceed as it normally would. However, in casual company it is acceptable to say, "that was the seat, not the seat that is on it."

This was a REAL letter in today's newspaper. Here's MY take on it-

Dear Wasn't Me: Yes it was! Let's call a spade a spade, shall we. Sure it's convenient to blame it on a chair, the dog, or grandma, but just man-up (or woman-up, per your gender) and admit to it. It may probably break up the monotony and produce a smile or two. Bare in mind it could also have quite the opposite effect. Besides, you're gonna have to own it sooner or later as the nose ALWAYS knows.

Bonus Advice- I always use the whomever smelt it, dealt it defense. You can't argue with an airtight (pun intended) defense!


C. Louis Wolfe said...

Because I so enjoyed this post & I truly LOVE to give unsolicited advice, I may try another (sure to fail) post entitled: "C's Curious Comments".

Whattaya think? Do you really wanna hear my spin on things? Be sure to let me know. I'm ALL ears & fingers!

Thomas Phillip said...


Stefany said...

I think of it as a 'lose lose' situation either way...

Also, commented on yo' comment.

And by the way *random*, do you have a Twitter account? Tis quite addicting.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

That's some funny stuff, eh DB? Sadly I think this was a post that appeals mostly to men as evidenced by the minimal amount of female posts.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef my dear, it's never a losing situation when you're releasing toxins from your body, although MOST likely it's a losing situation to anyone in the vicinity! :-o

Don't understand the whole "Twitter" thing. "I just had a religious experience in the bathroom"- "I just burned the toast"- "I just wet my pants!"- Nobody loves me"- I missed the bus again"- "I just gave birth to 14-6 eyed sloths"- blah, blah, blah! Now if it's about me, then I completely understand.

Sadly, Twitter makes me Twitter!