Wednesday, May 20, 2009

WEIRD but is it TRUE?!

Another one for "Zetz".

A man running for mayor of a town in Croatia promised that if elected, he would bring rampant corruption and rob the town at every turn. His campaign slogan was, "all for me, nothing for you."
And he won!

Locals said they were impressed by Josko Risa's honesty, which they likened to a breath of fresh air. "Now we know what we are letting ourselves in for," said one resident.

FINALLY, an honest politician!


Stefany said...

Well, THAT sure makes me love Croatia...

I can't believe he was elected! Thanks for the heads up, Wolfe. I'll research tomorrow.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

It could be a relative. I'd really like to meet him. Could you set that up? :-)