Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Saturday Day!

I'm sorry, I was just informed it was actually Valentines Day, and in honor of this special day of amor (is there an e at the end?) , I wrote a poem I'd like to share with you.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I think today sucks
Perhaps you do too


The word sucks may seem a bit harsh, and if it offends I somewhat apologize. In all seriousness however, if you do have a sweetie, a wife, a husband, heck even a mother or father, tell them you LOVE them, especially if you rarely say it. I wish all you love birds a very special and romantic day. On that note I'd like to add, try not to kill each other!


changetheworld360 said...

I actually have to agree. Even as a sometimes hopeless romantic, I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day myself. Is an entire holiday dedicated to telling people how much we love them really necessary?? Couldn't that be any day?

Zany said...

Happy Valentine's Day :).

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Yes CTW360- I am a hopeful hopeless romantic as well, but alas, alone this VD. So-kay I guess. I can save a bit of ca$h, although I'll need some money for a couple bottles of hooch & a few boxes of tissues! ;-(

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Wow Zany- You seem VERY happy about VD!

Zany said...

hehehe. I just finished writing a blog-post about breakups. But, I still like Valentine's Day. Good to have single friends on this glorious day :).

tia-juana said...

Valentine's Day always sucks. I, too, am a hopeless romantic and am always amazed (at myself) that I hooked up with such an absolutley emotionless individual. (save for the RIDICULOUS rhyming sweetheart cards cards that I get on my birthday, Christmas and V-Day.) I guess I'm a tad bitter, sorry!
Your candy and port will be on the way! Hope you salvaged the day somehow.

Stefany said...

Yep, yesteday was like any other day to me. Kind of like a Tuesday. Boring, uninspiring, mundane... the usual.

Sretan Valentinovo!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Z- I'd say 90% of my friends are single. Not sure what that says about me. I think we need to rise up & form some type of alliance or coalition- Perhaps we can call it The Society of Unwed Spinsters, or we can go ol' school & call it The He-Man Women Haters Club!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

My dear bitter TJ- :-(

I'm STILL waiting for that port & sweets for the sweet!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Alas sweet Stef- twas a day like any other. Me thinks that that was mayhaps a Croation VD greeting bestowed upon me & I thank you for your kindness young lass.

If you wish to rid yourself of boring, mudane, & uninspiring, getest thee in haste & extract thyself fromest Ohio! ;^)

tia-juana said...

it will arrive when you least expect, of course!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

What will arrive?

The past due bills or the stomach cramps & associated bloating?! ;-)