Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Name The Band Contest

I need everybody's help- PLEASE!

My band is experiencing GREAT difficulty in coming up with a clever, memorable band name. ANY suggestions? We could really use your help. The only information I can offer is, It's 4 guys- ages 40 to 49- who play lame cover tunes, mostly from the 60's, 70's, and 80's.

Whoever's band name suggestion is chosen, wins absolutely nothing, but the satisfaction of helping out their fellow man. That should give you a warm, fuzzy feeling, which is much more satisfying and fulfilling then any amount of ca$h or prize!

Come on now, sharpen those minds and #2 pencils and lets get crackin'!


Stefany said...

That is a hard decision. Don't think I can help you out with that one.

I hate to be that way... But you're creative enough! I have faith in thee!

Will said...

Hm... all covers hm?

What about...

The 4 Dudes
American Angst
Collective Beats
Tubilet <--- the Verification word haha
Interweb Warzone
Groove Yeah!
Grump Daddy

I'm running low on creativity today dude... sorry bro

tia-juana said...

I got nothing, but Will - so creative on your "off" days! don't be so modest!

Stefany said...

Hey! I was gonna add a verification word as well!

Todays is "Oustert"

Secret Squirrel... shhh said...

Isn't that entire description already being used verbatim by four doofuses called Poison?

How about The Viagrants?

Stefany said...

Ha, Squirrel. That last one made me chuckle. Cruel, so cruel.

Secret Squirrel... shhh said...

Yeah. I love that story.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Aw come on Stef, as creative and amazing as I tend to be, I was counting on your help. You OWE me! Don't be a cop-out (get it?!)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Willie Boy- So I guess that would make us "T4DAACBES"? Nice try, but it doesn't really roll off the tongue, does it?

As far as the other stuff, what you been smokin' son?!

I do tend to be a grumpy dadio, however I have no kids as far as I'm aware.

Peace out WB!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Tia- I expected more from you, tis a shame. :-(

& this blog/comment area is not a communication forum for you & Will! Take it somewhere else. ;-)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

"Oustert"? Isn't that a spray air freshener?!-or is that leave immediately in German?

C. Louis Wolfe said...

The squirrel as USUAL is absolutely NO help!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hey Stef- Why don't you & the squirrel find a tree somewhere! ;-)

Wandering Appalachian said...

I'm terrible at naming things, although that's my #1 reason for wanting children, to name something...so I'll just say go with something from a fantasy movie and you're all set.

Nerd out.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Nerds are cool Gwennie! I've been called a "gork" which apparently is an amalgam of geek & dork- & I wear my label w/pride instead of insult! Sometimes even in place of clothes!

Maria Sondule said...

Phlogistons! (or however you spell it)
Haha, it would be kinda funny if somebody actually used it.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Hey Maria- Nothing funny ever happens around here unless I have something to do w/it! ;^)

THANKS for leaving a comment. By the way is your avatar really a pic of you? Are you a heart burning w/desire, or do you just have heartburn? Actually it's a COOL pic

Maria Sondule said...

Yes, I am a heart burning in the flames of Hell.
You may not think there are computers down here, but the devil himself owns three of them (all Macs!). Unfortunately, I have to hire someone to do my typing for me, as I have no hands.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Well That's kinda scary! What's it like down there? Macs? I figured Satan to be a Windows PC kinda dude. I'm wondering how much one can make typing for you? If you don't have hands, how do you scratch your nose?