Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Likes, Needs, & Wants.

OK- Here's a little game I found (stole) at Mental Vertigo (Stefany's blog), where it was apparently liberated (stolen) from The Cate Chronicles (Cate's blog- surprisingly).

How to play: Using a search engine (I prefer Google) type in your name followed by the word "needs". Click on the magic button & see what kinds of things you need that you weren't even aware you needed. I came up with some funny stuff, but I also took the liberty of also using the words likes & loves preceded by my name. There were many, I tried to pick the most entertaining (at least for me) ones. It's followed by my usual witty comentary! :-)

Christopher Needs:
- "Mods, after the mass firing of them"
- "A holiday" (definitely!)
- "A wee wee" (occasionally)
- "Tech support" (quite often)
- "A feeding" (when I'm hungry, sad, or stressed)
- "To fall in love" (without question!)
- "Major help" (well aware of this!)
- "A good ticking off" (I'm not sure what this means- sounds British- could be fun)
- "Your votes" (I'll let you know when I'm running for something)
- "A cyber doctor" (I'd prefer a real one on retainer)
- "You to fill in the blanks" (please don't do that)

Christopher Likes:
- "Smart girls" (very much, but not smarter than me!)
- "Teacher mom" (If she's hot I'll need some schoolin')
- "To take out the trash naked" (never!- well OK, once or twice)
- "Free stuff" (who doesn't like free stuff- if you're givin' I'm takin'!)
- "Everybody sort of" (but not too many)
- "To put bags on his feet" (only in Japan, or is that China?)
- "The fact that he can easily pick & choose activities" (sometimes not so easily done)
- "To arm wrestle" (only midgets & girls)
- "Party like a NOT star" (sadly, that would be me)

Christopher Loves:
- "BS" (as long as I'm dishin' it out!)
- "Dancing to songs" (only in private)
- "Trails, photos, & moose" (haven't been hiking or camping in quite a while)
- "Cats" (always & forever! They're cool & get a bad rap!)
- "Fitted T-Shirt" (not on my bod)
- "Us" (who would be us exactly?)
- "Foreign films" (most of the time unless the subtitles move too fast)
- "Drugs" (only the legal kind that make me happy!)
- "The fat boys" (only if it's a band & even then...)
- "His wife" (there was that time when I was drunk in Vegas...)
- "Hannah Montanna" (I don't want to go to jail at this point in my life- Thank you very much!)

This game kinda reminds me of the fortune cookie game. The one where you follow every fortune by "in bed". Getting back to Google (was I even there?) I'm convinced that whomever was attempting to come up with a name for the search engine (engine?) heard a baby trying to speak. They suddenly shouted Eureka!, that's it!


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